Every year on this date, I like to take a moment to remember the people who tragically died on September 11, 2001, in the terrorist attack on the United States. At that time, I promised to "never forget" the brave men and women who were first responders and those who had just woken up and gone to work that day and never came home. Posting a little something once a year on this site is my way of ensuring we don't forget.
The above photo was taken at a Paul concert in 2017. Paul met the man who designed this logo to remember 9-11. He had met Paul backstage before the show (see the 9-11 tag for the photo) but was very surprised during the encore when Paul came back with the American flag and Abe appeared with his 9-11 flag. Then Paul posted both photos on social media. The guy who designed the symbol was proud but even more proud of the fact that Paul felt it was important to remember what happened.
paul's best moments - very proud of him then