The Rules for being a member of Meet The Beatles...for Real

 Meet the Beatles ... For Real is a Beatles fan club.    It is a fan club that is for Beatles fans and run by a Beatles fan.  This site is a modern twist on the Beatles fan clubs from the 1960s-1980s and is modeled after The Write Thing and With a Little Help From My Friends.(With much love, respect, and thanks to Barb, Pat, and Joyce for all the work they did). 

What does it take to be a member of this fan club?   Nothing!   All you have to do is love the Beatles and come visit this site from time to time.    

Sadly, over the years, people have been cruel to me and to others on this site, and so it is time to lay down some rules for this happy group of Beatles fans. 

Yes -- don't be mean! No one is to EVER call me or any other member of this group names. Bullies are not welcome here. This also refers to any of the Beatles, their children, their wives, their ex-wives (yes, we are talking about Yoko and Heather here specifically), their step-children, or anyone who was in the Beatles' inner circle.      

This includes constant mention of weight. I know that I am fat. If I post a photograph of myself, I do not need anyone to point that out.  We know that John Lennon went through his "fat phase" and his "skinny days."  Discussing anyone's weight is really not necessary.   How much or how little someone weighs or weighed does not change the person they are or were. 

Meet the Beatles...for Real is a Beatles fan club.  It is NOT a historical Beatles site. Sure, some authors use the stories found here in their research when writing a book. However, no one is to EVER take a date or location stated on this site to be completely accurate. Unless I am sharing a story directly from a fan that documented the date and location of meeting the Beatle, you need to do your own research to verify the date and location. 

I do not know everything about the Beatles. I make mistakes.  I have a job outside of this.  I do not have the time in my life to research the Beatles 100% of my day.   When you find an error in a date, location, or anything else, please let me know kindly. There is a big difference between saying, " I looked into this, and the date is actually _______,"  and "You are WRONG!  The year was ____!!!!!!!"   

I will no longer approve messages from people who correct things rudely. It is annoying.  

I also struggle with spatial relations. It is a true struggle for me to tell if a photograph is flipped backward or not.   I literally can spend an hour looking at a photo and trying to tell if it is backward.  I struggle even to tell if Paul's bass is going in the right direction.   You might not realize that I get it right a lot of the time.   However, I appreciate your help in this area.   If you see a backward photo, please kindly let me know.  

Please do not post the name of John Lennon's killer on these pages. I will never post his photo. When talking about him, just call him "the killer."  Yoko Ono asked us years ago to stop saying his name.  I respect that and have done so. We all know the killer's name. It isn't a secret; just don't say it here.  It is my belief that he was a killer who disguised himself to be a Beatles fan.  He took advantage of the fans that were there on December 8 and blended in with them, and pretended to be one of us.  He is not one of us. He was not a deranged fan.   He was a killer. That is all I will say about it. 

Also, please do not call the fans who waited outside the Beatles' studios or homes "stalkers." None of those fans had any intention of harming any of the boys. Remember that life was different during the 1960s and 1970s. These fans just wanted to see the Beatles.   

Let's have fun!   The Beatles were funny. Sometimes I post something that was meant as a silly joke and people are WAY too serious!   

Please note: While I respect the right to free speech, I will no longer accept rude, mean, or hateful comments.   

Peace and Love,

Sara S. 


  1. The photo on this website with John Lennon and another person ( who'se identity I not at liberty to divulge ) is the property of a good friend of mine who wons the original and is signed Where did you find this copy

    1. I have never posted a photo of John Lennon and his killer (if that is who you are talking about). If there is another photo of John and someone else -- that is pretty broad and I need more information.

  2. Right on Sara, it's all about respect and fun, thank you always for the work you do on this site for everyone, forever fab, peace and love

  3. Very good!
    Please see

  4. Good for you. Sorry you've had to deal with meanies. This site is a service, and it's amazing. Thank you.

  5. Thank you Sarah, for all you do to keep this site going! It is a treasure of Beatles history! Peace & Love!

  6. I’m having a problem posting a message on here, am I doing something wrong?

  7. Thank you This is fun!

  8. This is fantastic - and (unfortunately) way overdue. I have never ceased to be shocked by some of the (occasional - but more frequent than I would have expected) absolutely rude comments posted on this amazing blog. There's one particular guy that used to drive me nuts, don't know if he's still around. Anyways.........this is not only a necessary post, but a very entertaining one! You found a way to make the rules fun (and funny!). LOVE LOVE LOVE to you, Sara, for maintaining this absolutely incredible resource. HOURS and hours of fascination and fun, I've literally looked at this blog until my eyes stung.

    1. Hi Michael!!!!
      It always makes me so happy whenever you comment. You have always been this site's #1 fan. And yes that annoying guy still comments on here.

    2. Ugh. Are you kidding me? Some trolls just never get a life. Especially when their websites are nowhere near as essential or as entertaining as this one.

  9. Hi Sara. I've been a long time lurker here (being an introvert has a lot to answer for!) and an even longer Beatles fan. I just wanted to say that I am very grateful for this website and for all the hard work you put in to it. There are a few good Beatles sites out there, but this is without a doubt my favourite.

    As a lifelong fan of the Beatles (yup, 50+ years and counting!) my love for them has never waned, so being able to come here and see photos and read stories from like minded people is always a joy, even more so when the occasional 'lurker scruff' breaks cover to make a comment before making a dash back into the shadows! ;)

    Once again, Sara, thank you for everything you do in the running and maintaining of this site. Coming here is always a joy and so I'd like to try and overcome my introvertedness as best I can and be more active here.

    Take care, stay safe and Love & Peace to all.


    1. Thank you Tony for all the kind words. I am also an introvert, but sharing Beatles things is much easier for me than going to a Beatles convention. Those things are exhausting!

  10. Sara - question; will you print any past encounters or just the favorable ones? I see while Paul with fans in NYC recording years ago was not really addressed so I was wondering. Thanks.

    1. That is a good question. I have tried to avoid of the really bad stories. I have read quite a few of them and I find it to be a part of (mostly) Paul's history that is never talked about. I have shared them in the past and typically the person that originally wrote the article will contact me and say how embarrassing it is to have such a story online. So out of respect for the girls that are in the stories, I have not shared any. Eventually I would like to take a deep dive into this time period of Paul's life, but right now I am just not comfortable with sharing those stories.

    2. thanks for replying because there were quite a few nasty memories I have of encountering a certain person in 1969 & the 70's which surprised me then; anyway, really appreciate your great site with all the work you put into it

  11. Nathaniel BermudezMay 20, 2022 at 4:35 AM

    Can’t wait for this to be complete we need another Beatles fan club

    1. What do you mean? It has been complete for over 13 years now. Welcome!

    2. Hi Sara, I've been comig here for years and I've finally found the courage to write to you and comment on some posts. The Jane obssesers made me to do it! I've been a fan since the early seventies, back than more of a Wings fan than a Beatles one. I think you are a very compassionate woman, and you have a great site here. Keep it up and take care of your lovely mother!

  12. Sara, thanks for all your hard work, effort, patience, kindness, and humor, evident throughout this site. Take care of yourself and yours, and know that you have created a wonderful place for all generations of B4 lovers and enthusiasts.

  13. What a tremendous tribute Sara --
    Thank you for all of your selfless hard work and time spent making people happy documenting the chapters of this inimitable band who changed the world...
    I have been devoted to The Beatles for well over fifty years, born when Revolver was released, ('66), and will continue to love their positive contributions to my life and countless others for as long as I live.
    Often imitated, never duplicated. The planets aligned when these four (and Sir George Martin) created the magic that they did.
    Keep up the great work!
    (And there will always be miserable trolls trying to darken others' happiness and joys in this world. Don't give them the satisfaction by acknowledging them or coming down to their level. Ignore them.)
    Thank you again, and best regards from Mark -- Boston, MA 🎶💖😎👍

  14. BTW -- terrific profile pic... and I'm crazy jealous that you got to meet Ringo...
