Sunday, July 5, 2015

White jacket at Cavendish

photos by Lizzie Bravo


  1. Hi Sara! I took these photos, it's a series of six, and they are in perfect quality in my book.

    1. I had no idea these were your, Lizzie! They have been making the rounds on tumblr. I can wait to see the real version of them in your book!

    2. I hardly ever look at tumblr… I wonder who scans these pictures and posts them online. We were SO naive back in the 60's, we made copies of our photos for everybody and their uncle. We never charged anything but the price to print them. I still have a little book with the list of photos each friend and friend of a friend ordered… but you will never know where these photos ended up. Now back to the last touches to the Portuguese version of my book, almost totally done. Back to the English translation VERY soon!

  2. Lizzie - would like to encourage you in your efforts to doing your English book translation; many will buy it from older fans (like me) who were around at the time and know your good reputation and younger who didn't get to experience what we did.

  3. Hi Anonymous, I have translated a portion of it and it has already been proof read by a London friend who writes for the BBC, but I have to finish it. I spent the day at my designer's office today - as I have been doing for the last months - and now I can get back to the translation tomorrow, since she will be busy with things she doesn't need me there to do. I have decided to release both books at the same time. As a friend of mine just pointed out, it's getting very near the end! Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and interest in my book, it really means a lot!

  4. I would love to read Lizzie's book, which sounds wonderful! The other book I would like to see translated is the book that John's ex-housekeeper Rosario (I think that's her name) I've read that she wrote a book but it's not in English...that seems like it might be interesting....
