I want to thank everyone who has written to me through comments and on facebook that supports me and this blog. Your support really means a lot to me and I cannot express how much your messages touched me.
You know, I do this blog because I want a place to keep the stories and photos of the fans. I started the blog for myself and I continue to do things the way I like them to be done. That being said, it really is an honor that MTBFR has become part of so many of your daily routines.
As for the accusations that I am liar, I am not sure what to say. I am never purposely a liar. I work hard to find the correct information to post. I admit that some nights I am lazy and I do not put as much effort in finding out things as I do on other nights. I also know that there is a lot of false information about the Beatles out in the world. I am thankful for friend of this blog, Mark Lewisohn's work in getting the true Beatles history in print. But I am not Mark Lewisohn---far far from it. I try my best and I might get some wrong information out. But I promise that my intentions are pure. One thing I love about the internet and this blog is that we can work together as Beatle fans to find the correct information. Alone I am not a Beatles expert, but with all of you working with me---this blog has turned into a goldmine of correct Beatles information. I am proud of it and I thank all of you who have been positive and helpful along the way.
I am not sure why I seem to have made some enemies except that they must be jealous in one way or another. The arguments that they make do not make a lot of sense to me and when I try to understand them, I end up being called "rude" and "immature" and other things, so I am done trying to understand. I do admit that I have been not so nice to some people online a few times. I get frustrated and irritated and while I never curse and try to stay calm, it isn't always easy to do. I apologize for that.
But at the end of the day we are all Beatle fans, right? Shouldn't we be sticking together? We are a special group of people and we should not be divided. We can disagree on things, but at the end of the day we love John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
Peace and Love,
Sara S.
Sara, I'm not on Facebook, so let me tell you here how much I LOVE your blog and how much I appreciate that it is one of the NICEST Beatles sites on the entire internet! There's so much arguing going on at other sites and I guess some of those people spill onto this site, but you always handle them with class and compassion. THANKS for your hard work! I know it's a labor of love, but lazy Beatle fans like me truly appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteSara...YOU are #1 in my book!....send those BLUE MEANIES my way!!!!!!...NOBODY bothers SARA on my watch!
ReplyDeleteIt really just makes me laugh when I see garbage comments like that, Sara.....it just goes to show you: you can give people mondo entertainment for FREE, information, stuff you can't see anywhere else........and the trolls that make the internet barely tolerable will STILL come out.
ReplyDeleteIt actually reminds me of poor John and George. You'd think two guys like that, what with all the peace and love and spirituality and positivity that's in their music and the way they lived their lives, just the sheer effort they exerted and personal sacrifiece (i'm thinking Bangla-Desh, the Bed-ins and other causes)....and yet that just seemed to invite wackos and crazies to do things like do a home invasion on poor Sharon Tate, or actually commit an act of violence against John and George!!
The more positive you are, the more you're going to get attacked. Funny how that works! See, if it was "Meet the Heavy Metal Bands For Real", "Meet the Punks for real", "Meet the Gangsta Rappers For Real", you'd have no problem! I guarantee you! Go make a blog, "Meet the Rolling Stones For Real", "Meet Lou Reed For Real", "Meet Ozzy For Real", "Meet Ted Nugent For Real".....there wouldn't be a PEEP!!!!
Jesus, also, he had to endure a similar lot! Mr. Love himself!!!
It's a sign you're doing something right!!!!
We LOVE you! Each day, it's like getting new gift! Actually, multiple gifts! What these lower-life-form-trolls get their underpants all in a twist about is beyond me!
ReplyDelete"Dogs delight
to bark and bite
for God hath made them so."
You aren't obligated to respond to every dog that barks at you.