Sunday, December 8, 2013

John Lennon Lives Forever

What more can I say tonight at 10:00 (11:00 eastern) on December 8th?   The unthinkable happened 33 years ago tonight.   Because of the actions of one evil person,  the world only has a limited number of John Lennon songs to enjoy.   Because of that act, a father did not get to see his 2 sons become adults, a wife did not get to grow old with her husband and friends did not get to share laughter and memories with his/her friend.

But we can't change what happened.   All we can do is try our best to make sure that as this bridge in Minnesota said on December 9, 1980, "John Lennon Lives Forever" is true.  Share John music with others who aren't that familiar with it.  Discuss he and Yoko's peace message with people and basically just do what we can as modern day Beatle fans to keep the Beatles message of peace and love going to the next generations. 

I hope you all have a peaceful and reflective day.
Sara S.


  1. Beautifully put, Sara; will share your post with friends.

  2. Thanks to all who remember him with fondness.

  3. Beautiful picture, we never stop missing him.
