Friends, it is time to hold the last offical Meet the Beatles..for Real contest of 2013! I hope you all have enjoyed the contests I have held throughout the year. Be on the lookout for more awesome contests in 2014!
Last month, Simon & Schuster contacted me about a new book they were publishing called Beatles vs. Stones by John McMillian. They offered to send me a copy of the book to review and an extra to give away to one of my readers. I was all over that! Honestly, I have been so tied up with the "Tune In" book that this book hasn't gotten read yet. I am going to start either tonight or tomorrow and will right a review of it. The quote that grabbed my interest is:
"I didn't read this book--I inhaled it. This a terrific new take on a great old rock n roll story, a clash of the musical titans." -- William McKeen, author of Outlaw Journalist.
I admit that I am not much of a Rolling Stones fan. I really love the song, Paint it Black, but besides that, I don't know...they don't excite me like the Beatles. But I am willing to give this book a try and learn some new things about the rivalry between the two bands.
I have one extra copy of this new hardback book (a $26.00 value) sitting here next to me to give away to one of you! Here is what you have to do:
1. Email me at the answer to this question:
What is the name of the song that John Lennon produced for Mick Jagger in 1974?
2. Make sure that you have you answer in by Monday December 9 at 8pm central time.
3. I will give all correct answers a number that I will keep track of. I will use a random online number generator to choose the winner.
4. Winners will be announced on Monday December 9 after 8pm (central time). I will mail the book out and the winner will have it before Christmas.
Spread the word! And best of luck.
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