Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Another photo of that little girl

I had posted a photo of Paul during the Black Dyke Band session and mentioned the little girl in the photo.   Some of you seemed to have thought it was Ruth McCartney.   While I do not rule that out totally, I think Ruth would have been a bit older in 1968 than this girl.   But I did find a watermarked photo that shows the little girl again.   There are several kids hanging around.  


  1. Hello everyone, I'll send this photo to Ruth and ask her, if it is her

    1. Well thank you very much in advance, Peter from Liverpool!!!!

      Once again, this blog gets to the bottom of things!!!! Amazing!!!!

  2. I was one of the people who mentioned it might be Ruth but you are right Sara. Ruth would have been 8 in 1968. This little girl looks a bit younger.
