Monday, February 11, 2013

Stuart snapshot

I just thought this was too cool not to share.   It isn't very often that I find a candid photo of Stu.   Most of the Stu photos that are available are posed and very nicely photographed by Astrid.   And while I do enjoy those photos, it is nice to see Stu in a candid shot for a change.  


  1. Unbelievable, amazing pic, you're totally right, you usually only see the Astrid portraits!

    I've always wondered what Stu's voice sounded like! If I ever meet Paul (yeah, right!), or Pete Best or someone like that, I'm going to ask them to imitate his voice!

    I'll bet he had a wicked sense of humor, too. How could he not?!

  2. I dont think Stu is wearing underpants! Look at the other man pushing the womans head to look... sorry! but is how it looks!
