Monday, February 11, 2013

Hanging inside Cavendish

So the story goes that  one day during the summer of 1967, Stuart Kendell was going to interview John Lennon inside Paul's home on Cavendish Avenue.   However, Stuart forgot his camera.   Who does Stuart talk to outside of Paul's home?   None other than Lizzie Bravo (where else would she be if John Lennon was inside?).  Lizzie let's Stuart borrow her camera and so Stuart goes inside the gates and snaps photos of Paul and John as well as Mick Jagger who also just happened to be there that day.   Lizzie and Stuart didn't think at the time to exchange addresses and they didn't hear from each other again until the modern land of fandom that we know as the Internet came along.   They somehow "met" each other again and finally got to exchange photos.     Lizzie found these photos taken by Stuart online.    I love love love seeing the inside of Cavendish Avenue!  I think that Sgt. Pepper drum is just too cool!

Photo taken by Stuart Kendell


  1. At last! A clear version of these pics!! Thanks, Lizzie/Sara!

  2. i am happy to report that i just sent stuart the account of his afternoon with the boys which i wrote for my book and he wrote back that he loved it! so now it's going to the proof-reading team! all the photos we could find will be in my book. it's a shame he doesn't have them all anymore. he said there were more of the 4 of them on that couch... he was so happy when i found those two online! he didn't have them anymore. he managed to get in touch with the person who sold them and got a better copy from the present owner. the one of martha on paul's lap that you scanned for me was originally in color, but he doesn't have it anymore... we never even exchanged NAMES at the time. my friend lynda was talking to him while waiting to get into paul's concert (i think it was at the roundhouse) and when he started telling the story she told him she was friends with the girl who lent him the camera. how crazy is that? of all the people on line, she had to be standing next to this stranger and they start talking! we've been in touch ever since, by e-mail and skype, and we spent 5 hours talking non-stop when i was in london in october 2010. we had our picture taken outside paul's house: he is wearing the same jacket he wore that day and i am holding the camera, which i still have!

  3. Very cool! This would probably be April or early May, '67. Paul had shaved off his mustache by the time of the Sgt. Pepper press reception at Brian Epstein's house on May 19th. So obviously it was before that. And since he has the alternate Sgt. Pepper drum head, it was presumably after the cover photo shoot on March 30th.


  4. thank you, mark. i have passed the info on to stuart and will check my diaries once again to see if i figure out a day. as a typical teenager, again, not only didn't i ask his name, i didn't write about it in my diary!

  5. The Stones were on tour in Europe from 25 March until 17 April 1967 which helps to narrow the date further.

  6. I like the Magritte "Au Revoir" painting balanced on the shelf.

  7. So who's the girl in the far right corner sitting on the sofa to John's right?

  8. The girl sitting between MJ and JL is Paul's girlfriend, Maggie McGivern.
    check out

  9. Maggie was beautiful and am surprised about the fans that didn't know about her - rumor always was that he still continued to see her after his marriage to linda
