Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pressed for Autographs

It is upsetting me that I do not automatically recognize this press conference. I adore the young man behind Paul in the bottom photo, who is waiting for an autograph. He obviously got all dressed up in a suit to meet the Beatles. How adorable!


  1. A Car And A Room And A Room And A RoomJanuary 4, 2012 at 4:09 AM

    Wow, these are amazing photos - backstage between shows at Wellington Town Hall, New Zealand, 22 June 1964. A close friend of mine met them at this meet and greet. Does your source have more photos?

  2. They're my scans and they're from the Beatles in NZ book I told you about.

    There are a few more from the same conference under this tag: http://thegilly.tumblr.com/tagged/wellington

  3. Thanks Gilly! :) I did not realize they were from Wellington (although if I paid more attention to tags, I would have realized it!). They are great photos! Thanks so much for scanning them. :)
