Tuesday, January 28, 2025

John Lennon at the Friends Seminary School


I want to thank everyone who recently sent me this article from the New York Times about John Lennon visiting the Friends Seminary School in 1975.   I have been sick in bed for several days and might have missed this great story!

I had heard the story of John going to school at one point, but I had never found any solid evidence of it happening, so this story is fantastic!   I am posting the entire New York Times story along with the link so that years from now, when the story is removed from the original site, we can still have it preserved here. 

I am also sharing a few other stories I discovered from others who were there that day.  I am on the lookout for more.  I am sure many children where there that day.  If you saw John Lennon at your school, please share your story! 

A story of hazy memories, a reluctant rock star, and a special day in 1973. Or was it 1974?

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