Monday, January 13, 2025

American girls meet the Beatles


January 13, 1965

"Two American sisters spent £300 on a 6,000-mile round trip from New York to snatch a few hours in London - just to see the Beatles pantomime.  On Wednesday (13-1-65), Mary Pezzullo, 21, and her schoolgirl sister, Virginia, 14, canceled their plane seats and stayed a second night to see the show again.  And later to meet John, Paul George, and Ringo backstage. Said sir stewardess Mary: "We just can't believe it.  We were in the foyer this time on Tuesday (12-1-65) when I mentioned our trip to someone standing there.  Along came one of the Beatles' managers who invited us to see the show again and gave us two tickets. So we stayed on."  Dark-haired Virginia - "We both come from New York"- said, "This was my sister's joint Christmas and birthday present to me. I guess I'm Beatle-crazy, and now all the other kids back at college will be full of envy when I show them their autographs and pictures taken of us with them,"  Said Mary:  "She had been looking forward to seeing the Beatles for over a year, and entered a competition to win a ticket and trip here.  She got to the final stages, and then she missed a phone call from the radio station because she was at school. So I decided not to disappoint her."

P.S. Left to right: George, Paul, Mary Pezzullo, Virginia Pezzullo, John Lennon and Ringo Starr

1 comment:

  1. Great story. I wonder if either of the sisters are still with us to recount their memories?
