Thursday, December 12, 2024

Ex-Beatle George Harrison is guest at White House


Ex-Beatle George Harrison is guest at White House
December 14, 1974

    Former Beatles star George Harrison, wearing red sneakers and expressing "good vibes" about the White House, ate lunch at the Executive Mansion Friday with Jack Ford and met his father, the president.
     Harrison pinned a blue Eastern Mystic button with Moon circles on President Ford's lapel and received a W I N (whip inflation now) button in return,
" I didn't ask him about Bangladesh or anything else political," said Harrison after the meeting. "I didn't want to bug him."
     Jack, 22, a senior at Utah State University, met Harrison and other rock performers on November 16 after their show in Salt Lake City. He invited them to visit when they came to Washington as part of a seven-week tour.
     Harrison, wearing orange pants, red sneakers, and a brown plaid jacket adorned with pop art buttons, arrived in a Cadillac limousine and said he was very flattered at his first White House visit. "I feel good vibes about the White House," added the former Beatle. 
    After lunch of ham, beef, and vegetables, they went into the Oval Office to see President Ford. He posed for pictures with them, standing between his son and Harrison and joking freely with everyone.         Harrison said the president seemed more relaxed than he had expected. "I was the one that was nervous."
     With Harrison was Indian satirist Ravi Shankar, singer-organist Billy Preston, and saxophonist Tommy Scott. Also invited were Harrison's father, Harry, his manager, Denis O'Brien, publicity agent Michael Sterling, and two of Jack's personal friends, Ken Smith and Sandy Laughlin, 
    "I just wanted to return the hospitality." Jack told reporters as he greeted his guests outside. He wore a tan jacket, light-colored jeans, and black boots when he greeted his guests. 
" I can relate to Jack and how he feels," said Harrison, "He is a good guy. Everybody's watching everything he does. I'm somewhat familiar with that."
     Young Ford, who is studying forestry and expects to graduate in March, flew home from school early Friday morning for the Christmas holidays.