Tuesday, November 5, 2024

For the Love of Quincy


When I heard of the passing of famed music producer Quincy Jones yesterday, I did what I typically do -- I go through my photo files to find photographs of that person with one of the Beatles to share in remembrance.   As I was locating pictures, I was struck by just how affectionate Paul McCartney was with Quince Jones.  In almost every photo that wasn't taken during a recording session, Paul has his arm around him, is kissing him, hugging him, etc.  It is evident that Paul has a lot of love and respect for Quincy and the music he produced. 

A few years ago, Quincy said some really bizarre things about the Beatles in an interview.  He claimed that Paul was the worst bass player ever and that Ringo didn't even play the drums on many albums.  Quincy reached out to Paul after the interview was published and said that he never really said those things, that he didn't know what happened, and that he loves the Beatles.  Paul believed him, and it didn't cause any issues between them.  

Rest in Peace Quincy. 

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