Monday, August 12, 2024

The little glasses thief


Patric Gange that she stole Ringo's glasses as a baby and still has them.   I don't quite understand how a baby can steal glasses.   They take my glasses off me all the time, but I always get them back.  But here is her story as she tells it in her book and is told in People magazine. 

In her book, Gagne writes that from an early age she didn’t experience “common social emotions like shame and empathy” the way other children did. “For the most part, I felt nothing. And I didn’t like the way that ‘nothing’ felt. So I did things to replace the nothingness with… something.”

According to Gagne, that “something” occasionally took the form of stealing.

“I started stealing before I could talk,” she writes. “At least, I think I did. I don’t remember the first time I took something, just that by the time I was six or seven I had an entire box full of things I’d stolen in my closet.”

Among those pilfered items, she writes, were Ringo’s specs — which she claims to still have today.

“Somewhere in the archives of People magazine there is a photo of Ringo Starr holding me as a toddler,” she explains. “We’re standing in his backyard — not far from my birthplace in Los Angeles, where my father was an executive in the music business — and I am literally stealing the glasses off his face.”