Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Hickory Hill


John and Yoko visit Ethel Kennedy at her home, Hickory Hill in Virginia in May of 1972.  Is that Rosie Greer? 


  1. the 4th picture is from May 9th at a party for J&Y at Steve Martindales house and the man is Martindale

  2. John was always such a hypocrite! Screaming to the press how Paul was living w/straights and then he goes visits, socializes the straightest family in the World! LOL!!

  3. Wow - I have never heard about this visit! I would love to know how this came about and what John & Yoko thought of Ethel Kennedy (and vice-versa). Looks like a lot of music and smiling in these photos, but also some very serious faces.

  4. Again: the fouth picture from above is not from that date: If you don't believe me, you can see it here:
