Sunday, March 24, 2024

Joanie and George


Maybe one of these dancers is Joanie?

I know this type of story—those of girls who went on a date with one of the Beatles while they were on tour—is pretty popular on this site.   I found this one in a 1973 issue of the Harrison Alliance.  It is obviously a re-print of something taken from 1964, but I don't know where it originated. 

It is a story about a woman named Joanie Sannes, who was a dancer at the Whisky a Go-Go.  I could not find very much information about Joanie,  not even a photograph.  The writer is Pauline Best, who I also could not find any information about.    

Update: Obadiah McDougall Jones found pictures of Joanie!  So now we know what she looked like!  Thank you!!

Joanie Sannes, as told to Pauline Best - August 1964

"In some way, George is the most handsome of the Beatles, but ... I sort of go for Ringo." Lovely 22-year-old Joanie Sannes sat in her Hollywood home staring at a picture of the most famous singing quartet in the world. Her remark was startling because Joanie had just had the unbelievable good fortune of being George Harrison's date at the first party the Beatles had given in Hollywood. 

"George is a real swinging type. He drinks wine and beer - sometimes, he has a glass of each. He's got kind of a devil-may-care approach to life in general, but he's really kind and sensitive."

"The party was a fabulous success," she continued. "Stars and celebrities from all over Hollywood had come to meet the Beatles and stayed till early next morning. I stayed with George most of the time but got a chance to meet and talk to everyone.

"The whole thing was like a fairy tale," she remembered. "I never had swooned over Elvis or anyone else in my life, but the Beatles are different."

Joanie is a professional dancer at the Whisky a Go-Go and has taught people like Steve McQueen, Lana Turner... "But dancing with George was so different," she said, "I was so nervous and excited, but it was wonderful! After the party, George thanked me for coming and said he had a 'fab' time. I was thrilled!"

"I thought I'd never see the Beatles again, so you can imagine my delight when they came to the Whisky the next night. I could hardly keep time with the music—that's how excited I was. And I didn't dream that the dancers would stop and crowd around them. I dance there six nights a week, and lots of movie stars come in, and nothing makes those Watusi dancers stop. But they did when the Beatles came in.

 "George was so cute that night. You see, I dance in a cage high above the dance floor. Well, George came up there just to give me a kiss on the cheek! It was a friendly kiss, very sweet, almost innocent, and shy. 

"When I finished dancing, I came down and joined them all at their table. There was a railing near the booth, and some of the girls were pulling so much at Ringo that he had to grab hold of the railing, or else he would have been pulled away. Finally, they pulled so hard that the railing broke. I picked up the piece that Ringo was holding and took it home with me. It's my most valuable souvenir.

"George and I danced quite a bit, but I also danced with Ringo."

"After the nose had settled down, George and I began to talk. He said he was thrilled to see so many famous stars. Then someone said that the stars were more thrilled to see the Beatles. George couldn't believe it!"

"About this time, the boys suggested that we all go back to their house and continue the party. It was wonderful being in the house, especially for the second time. We talked some more, and I got a chance to dance with Ringo again.

"Now the boys have gone, I have only memories of the two greatest days of my life. But I do have that piece of railing. And all the boys sent me a lovely telegram, saying how much they enjoyed meeting me and hoping that they would see me again. I hope we do meet them again. I liked them all so much. No matter what happens all my life, I'll remember them."

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