Thursday, August 17, 2023

One of the best interviewers


Sadly Michael Parkinson has passed away.   He was known as one of the best interviewers to many people, and they tuned in to see his television show every time it was on to see who he would talk to next.   From what I can tell, he had all of the Beatles except for George on his program (Ringo on two times).  Plus he was on one solo album cover.  I really wish his John and Yoko interview from 1971 would be cleaned up and re-released.  What we have available now is terrible, which is a shame because it is really good. 

So long Michael Parkinson -- 


  1. I was in the studio audience in 1982, when he interviewed Ringo & Barbara. Channel Ten studios, Sydney, Australia.Ringo jammed with Glen Shorrock (Little River band) on Honey Dont, I was sitting just 3 rows in front. Parkinson was in good form. But Ringo wasnt having good day, he seemed a bit, um, altered. After the taping I went to the main studio entrance, waited for Ringo & Barbara. When they emerged, I asked for Ringo's autograph. He said "Not tonight boys, im too hot". Stephen, Sydney

    1. The 1980s were not a good time for Ringo -- he appeared on many television programs drunk and it was embarrassing. Barbara looks lovely in this photo and I had never seen a photo from this interview before, so it is a nice find. And you have a good story -- Ringo spoke to you!

  2. Why not mention the album cover he was on?

    1. It's Band on the Run. He is seen at the far left in the photo. ( MarkZapp)

    2. Band On The Run

  3. loved the james corden one w' paul

    1. Not sure how that relates to Michael's passing. ☹️
