Thursday, July 20, 2023

The public break up


July 20, 1968 -

I imagine when Beatles fans in the UK tuned into the Dee Time talk show to see Jane Asher, they did not expect to hear her say these words:   "I haven’t broken it off, but it is broken off, finished."   

I don't think anyone (except maybe Paul) expected for Jane to break up with her fiancĂ©e on a television talk show!   But you know what -- I admire her for doing it.   It was going to be all over the television once it became known anyhow, so why not take that control and put it out there first?    Then Jane never spoke to Paul McCartney again.   



  1. and they moved on

  2. classy woman then, classy woman now

    1. Being a woman also I admire the full well rounded life she has


  3. They did speak to each other again. Read Many Years From Now By Barry Miles.

    1. you can see the pic of them together if you look it up

    2. That photo was unfortunately proven to be a photoshop mash.

    3. what did miles say if you would

  4. Tag dumping was more likely but whatever. They were done, no matter who said the words first or last or never.

  5. better to break off engagement before your entire life is ruined

  6. remember Paul's Auntie telling us how the family loved Jane and were disappointed when they broke up

  7. He broke it off, she just announced it. Big difference!
    He told her that he wanted someone to be with him and that she was not willing to relent with her career and that he found someone who wanted to be with him. Whether that was Maggie, Linda or someone else, who knows but the story of Paul getting caught in bed with Francie was true but was
    AFTER he broke it off with Jane. She came to the house to get her things and was devastated to see him move on so fast so she stormed out and sent her mother to get his things. That is what happened. Paul apparently told Mrs. Asher that he loved Jane but he knew she was never going to be the one for him. He thought the engagement would have her want to be with him 24/7 but she continued on with the Old Vic and he decided to move on. It is amazing how no one gets this story straight even with the words coming out of her own mouth!

    1. sorry but you are wrong

    2. Before they broke up they went to Scotland one last time and had a discussion about their future, including when to get married and start a family. Jane wanted to continue with her career, and Paul realized she was nowhere near close to committing to him and a marriage. Of course there was emotional pain for both of them, about the ending, but they knew they were done, each for their own reasons. Far deeper reasons than the presence of Francie Schwartz in their bed or out of it.

    3. This is what Francie said Paul said in her book.You haven't explained why Paul was so heartbroken according to several insiders. Jane was working in London at the time, not away. She left because it was Paul working 24/7 recording with the Beatles. She had no life with him.

    4. 7am.. that story was from the paul spin company

    5. Jane Asher was dating and engage to the most eligible bachelor in the World and she decided going on acting gigs to places like Denver were OK for their relationship!? I mean, what did she expect? Of course he cheated on her - he was young, rich, successful and was Paul freaking McCartney and had options literary waiting outside his house. All he wanted was her with him - he wrote several songs about how he wanted his girl by his side, but I guess Denver looked more appealing, LOL! Why is it so hard for Beatle fans to believe that Paul broke it off. How do you know 4:56 that Paul was so heartbroken? You don't know that as fact! You believe the story you want to believe. The story that Paul broke it off is just as, if not more, believable. She in facts says (paraphrasing) "I didn't break it off, but it is off"

    6. Agree, to a certain extent. Jane's self-confidence, combined with the arrogance of youth, probably contributed to her decision to take roles far from their home in London. The whole situation was a slow-moving train wreck with two dynamic, talented, driven people, both with strong egos, wills, and desires, and no clear way to compromise where both partners would be happy with the outcome.
      Read a quote from Paul recently that they weren't sure if Jane should take the contract for the Old Vic tour of America, but once she made the commitment that meant Paul was "sitting here on my own." A state he was never happy about!
      I would find lack of heartbreak on both their parts hard to believe after that many years of involvement, living together the whole time. Paul's songs for/about Jane are living proof of how much love he felt for her, and he has acknowledged her recently with "At Home With the Ashers."
      Look at Jane's eyes in the top photo, there's a lot of pain coming from within, and I think we call that heartbreak.

    7. Heartbroken as in Paul confiding to Cynthia Lennon and Alistair Taylor as stated in their books, 4.20pm. Others also observed how unhappy he was. He blamed himself. Jane goes on a one-off short tour of the US and fans cry foul. For the whole time she was with Paul Jane mainly worked in London or Bristol, while Paul was in America or Japan or Australia or wherever.

    8. so it was ok for paul to have a career & do whatever he wanted but jane could not have a career he was knew about from the beginning - give me a break

  8. sometimes relationships just don't work out period but I image with their careers taking them traveling, Paul's ladies while he was living at her family's home and during the engagement, and maybe differing goals would do it

  9. Paul's close friends, including Marianne Faithful and his brother Michael, did say that they knew these two will never make it to the altar. But Jane's fans keep reasoning differently, even after all this time. When we all know that both Jane and Paul, found happiness with other partners.

    1. Well, Ringo thought differently, lol. Funny that Paul's great relationship counselors had a string of failed relationships themselves.

    2. Funny, but even Ringo's first marriage failed too. Nobody is perfect. Personally, I'm glad that Paul and Ringo are now happy in their private life, and are still active.

    3. Yep, Ringo's marriage failed - the type of marriage Paul had thought he wanted with the little woman at home 24/7 seeing to his every need. Paul seems to be very happy with his current wife, a working woman with a life of her own.

  10. Is the footage erased? Can't find it online.

  11. In the end they both got the life they wanted; we all know paul's and jane has a happy marriage with children, a longtime acting career, was a successful baker, writer of books and worker of various causes.

    1. the weird part if you will is that the UK is aware of Jane's accomplishments but it seems like in other countries she is just known as Paul's long ago former fiance

  12. Paul has dedicated a special section of his Eyes of the Storm exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery to Jane. The reasons for doing so are his own.

  13. she was the inspiration for some songs

  14. We shouldn't be surprised, after all Jane was a big part of Paul's life, during the Beatles heydays. And she was his muse, for such beautiful songs. Today, both have mutual respect for each other. Bless them.

  15. hoping the press won't be hounding Jane again about Paul with this exhibition - she has been wonderful in keeping her memories private

  16. perhaps the comments section should end now as there is anti Jane sentiments

    1. Yes, I wasn't planning on allowing any more comments.
