Sunday, November 6, 2022

The blue poster


How many of you had the "blue" Beatles poster hanging up in your room at some point in your life (raises hand).   Take a look at the alternate frame from the same photo shoot.   Pretty cool!!


  1. I think out of all of the posters of the Beatles produced over the years, this one has been in and out of print the most. I think that I might have four or five variations of it myself. (MarkZapp)

  2. yer my 90ties Version is on my Livingroom Wall

  3. I have explain this theory in 2016 in Facebook, in many pages. This photo is taken in Washington Coliseum, at the outside. (11/02/1964) People don't' know, so someone (Jacques Volcouve) tell me he had present this version at MarK Lewishon. Mark said he don't' know, not sure of this thoery, so people don't want to believe me, (ah ah ah ah ah ) when they don't' know they only give reason at the person that they know. Today, i saw you post that. Tank you, no doubt this famous photo have been taken on the Washington coliseum. We could find on You Tube, a video about the story of the Coliseum, you 'l see some parts of brick wal painted in blue. Hope you undesrtyand my message, you know suis français chère Sara. Best Regards.

  4. I wonder why the original photo was flipped for the poster?

  5. The pictures were actually taken during a photo shoot in Paris, January 1964. It is NOT the Washington Coliseum.

    1. Il est certain que vous n'êtes jamais allé sur Paris, et que vous affirmez cette théorie sans aucune argumentation, ni fondement
      . J'ai déjà expliqué que le Washington colisseum était en brique rouge peinte en bleu, il y a encore des traces sur des vidéos. SO SHOW US THE BLUE BRICK WALL IN PARIS!!!

  6. Its not washington there was a snow storm

  7. @Jojo24, if you look to the lower left corner of the frame, there is snow on the ground.
