Sunday, September 22, 2019

The unsigned contract

September 20, 1969 --  Paul posed for these playful photographs with Allen Klein but did not really sign the contract.   He even did a thumbs down sign for them.   George wasn't there (if memory serves, his mother had taken ill and he went to see her) so I guess Yoko thought she could take his place for the photos.     I always found these to be really odd photos.


  1. PM was right about Klein, but it took the others about 2 years to get wise.
    Much rather have Eppy even with his business gaffs but his gentleman's word than a shark who fleeced Apple, which is a different and less honourable way of losing money.
    If you're going to lose money, do it in style, like giving away a boutique's contents or a potentially multi-million-pound gig given for free on a roof. That kind of style goes down in history. But don't give it to the precursor of everything bad about the Eighties, the polar opposite of the Sixties.

  2. too bad it turned out like that; they really needed another rather than both the Klein and Eastman sharks

    1. Yeah, but the Eastman sharks made Paul a billionaire, which they could've done for the others as well.

    2. George & Ringo wouldve been better off maybe, but they didnt have the publishing that Paul did, so they would never have gotten near to becoming billionaires that way. As for John, he did extremely well for himself without Eastman.

  3. I think paul did sign this because this was the deal klein got for more money from e.m.i for record sales.(beatle55)

  4. Have been wracking my brain trying to recall the name of the guy who took these pics. If I recall correctly, he was a photographer who was hanging around Apple by chance that day, and Klein grabbed him to take the shots. The guy said years later that while he had no idea that the lads had just broken up, he could sense a bad vibe in the room.

  5. I thought it was Linda who took these? She was there that day.

  6. i used to think that too.
