Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thank you Beatles fans!

In just a few days, we will be celebrating the 9th anniversary of Meet the Beatles...for Real.   Today I got the bill that I pay once a year to keep this site going.    It isn't very much.   Just $16.00, which I can afford without any problem.

However -- thanks to some of you out there -- WE paid for the site!    Whenever I review a book, CD, film, or whatever I link this blog to Amazon.   Anyone that clicks on that link and orders anything gives me a few cents.   No one HAS to order anything, but if you were going to order from Amazon anyone, I think it is nice to have the link right there available.

I started this in 2017 in over the year I made $18.00 from Amazon purchases.    So I took that money and used it to pay the yearly bill.     And so WE paid to keep this site going for another year.    I wanted to let you all know and thank anyone that bought something from Amazon through this site for the help.      I have never made money from this blog, but it is nice to be able to break even.   


  1. Thank you, Sara, for all the time and effort you put into making this one of the greatest Beatle places on the Internet!

  2. Thank you . This place is fab. Your efforts are appreciated. Love coming here.
