Monday, February 26, 2018

Mister red shirt

Photo taken by Fred Seaman 


  1. Fantastic photo! I've never seen this photograph of John before! I really like to see 'brand new' photographs from the late 70s and 1980! Of course the label mentions 1979.... Just curious, where would this photo have been taken? Cold Spring Harbour maybe?? Stephen Smyth

  2. I was expecting to see these after Yoko passed away. I’m sure Fred has lots more. Never seen this one before.

  3. Fred said this was from Coldi Spring Harbour, april 1980, just after John shaved his beard

  4. I think the tshirt says MILK BOY which was the shop in Tokyo (Harajuku) where John got his Hakusan Megane Mayfair glasses that he's also wearing here.

  5. Could this be the red t shirt he was wearing under his sweater and leather jacket on the day he died? So many iconic photos of that day with John signing autographs. Nearly 42 years ago

    1. I recently saw photographs of John's clothing after he was murdered (nothing I would post here, obviously). The red shirt he was wearing is the "eye of providence" (aka the dollar bill shirt) that he was wearing in the last photo of him and Ringo together. I was actually surprised to discover that it was a shirt that I was familiar with him wearing.

    2. Without spelling it out here, are you able to say how you found that?? I need to win an argument with a conspiracy nut and any hints would be appreciated

    3. Someone sent them to me -- email me at and I can send them to you. Just be warned that they are upsetting.

    4. disturbed you would share them Sara

    5. Hullo again! I did pop you an email but I didn't think to add that if you're not comfortable sharing them for any reason, I'll understand. If it helps any, I won't be sharing them - it's really more by way of backing up a couple of things in a rebuttal I'm trying to write.
      Take care!

    6. agree w/2.23 at 5:27pm

    7. John's murder is a shocking loss. Photos of his blood stained clothes and glasses are totally disrespecting him and completely in the worst of taste...Pinky, a 1st gen John fan

    8. Agree, putting his blood stained glasses on an album cover was in bad taste, despite the "best intentions" to make a statement out of it.
