Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sitting with George

This photo is reportedly from 1970.   What do you all think?


  1. Definitely not 1970 as George had longer hair and a beard throughout the whole year. My best guess is it could be circa Oct - Dec 1975 and for some reason it looks to me like the pic was taken in America (don't ask just a feeling) and he was in the US in Oct/Nov 1975. He also only had the mo in this period as well.

  2. My first guess before seeing your comment was 1975.(MarkZapp)

  3. I would say almost certainly taken during the 1974 North American Tour... probably in the latter part judging by the length of George's hair. George's shirt is the main clue, but also the clothing of the 2 unidentified people... those monster lapels say 1974 to me.

  4. no it's later i would say 1974-75

  5. I certainly do not think it's from 1970. His hair was much longer plus he had a beard. I'm guessing it's from 1977 when he was in Acapulco

  6. Sara i bet you want saying Seventies that Pictures is from his Time in Mexiko 1977 maybe near family members of his Wife Olivia??
