Sunday, February 12, 2017

MTBFR 2017 Winter Contest!

Hello everyone!

If you joined me this afternoon for my live Facebook event, you will know that I announced the 2017 MTBFR winter contest.    For those of you that missed it, no big deal---I will tell you all about it in a few.

I quickly want to let you know that I am starting to run out of "Happiness is Seeing the Beatles:  Beatlemania in St. Louis" books.    I have about 100 books left and I am not getting them re-printed.  So if you want a book, go over to and order one.  

Next I wanted to let you know that I have contributed to a great book called "A is for Apple Volume 2"  It is a great series of books all about the Beatles Apple years.  It is in full color with a load of photographs and everything you will ever need to know about the Beatles at Apple.   If you are interested in pre-ordering the book go over to

Last commercial, I promise!   I will be at the Fest for Beatle Fans in New Jersey from March 3-5, 2017 with my book.   This is going to be my last big thing for the book and I will be speaking on several panels and giving a presentation.   If you are going to the at the Fest any of the day, PLEASE stop by and say hi!   I don't care if you have no interest in my book.   I get so bored just sitting there at these things and I would love to chat Beatles and say hi to anyone who is a blog viewer.  

Some of you have been wondering what the results were from the MTBFR survey from the beginning of the year.   Here are the results.    100 people participated in the survey.

1,  How long have you been visiting MTBFR-- most people have been coming here between 2-5 years!  Thank you for your loyalty!

4-5 years 31%
2-3 years 27%
6-7 years 17%
1 year 12%
under a year 7%
just started 6%

2.  What is your age range?  Looks like most visitors are 1st generation fans.   But 2nd generation fans aren't too far behind.

50-59:  34%
60-69:  24%
40-49   21%
30-39     9%
20-29     6%
13-19     5%
70 or older 1%  (Paul or Ringo---is that you???)

3.  How long have you been a Beatles fan?    Surprisingly,  the highest amount are people who became fans after the Beatles broke up followed closely by our 1964 first generation folks.

Since the 1970's:  26%
Since 1964:           21%
Since the 1980's    16%
Since the 2000's    10%
Since 1963 or earlier:  9%
Between 1965-1970:  8%
Since the 1990's        7%
I am a new fan           3%  (welcome!)

4.  What is your gender?  When I started this blog, I thought it would attracted more female fans because the topic of meeting the Beatles seemed to me to be something girls would be more interested in.  However, the male fans have rated higher than female consistently since day 1.

Male:  56%
Female:  44%

5.  In what country do you live?   No surprise that United States is the most.    But I think it is neat to see that fans from all around the globe come to MTBFR.   (2 people skipped this question)

United States:            62%
United Kingdom        8%
Germany                    4%
Canada                       3%
Spain                          3%
New Zealand              3%
Netherlands                 2%
Australia                     2%
Ukraine:                     2%
Mexico                       2%
Italy                            1%
Indonesia                    1%
Israel                           1%
Ireland                         1%
Finland                         1%
Brazil                            1%
Belgium                        1%
Austria                           1%

6.  Who is your favorite Beatle?  It was a tie!

John:                 29%
Paul                  29%
I don't have a favorite 24%
George;                   16%
Ringo                        2%  (sorry Ringo!  We still love you though!)

7.  Have you ever met a Beatle in person?   Most of us haven't.  (1 person skipped this question)

No:  77%
Yes:  22%

8.  Have you ever met someone connected with the Beatles in person (a wife, Pete Best, etc) (1 person skipped this question)    Most of us have.

Yes:  52%
No:   47%

9.  What is your favorite part of MTBFR?  (1 person skipped this question and you could answer any of the choices).    No surprise---most people like the photos!   They are great, aren't they?

Photos:  76%
Stories:  63%
Articles Sara has written:  19%
Comments form other fans:   19%
Wednesday Review:          15%

10 What is your least favorite part of MTBFR?( 2 people skipped this question and you could answer any of the choices).   Most of you say that you like it all!   Thank you so much.  You are so kind!

Nothing--I like it all:   88%
Comments from other fans:   6%
Stories:                                   4%
Photos:                                    2%
Wednesday Review:                2%
Articles Sara has written          2%

Now---finally---the contest.   I have two prizes I am giving away this time.   In order to be entered, you need to email me with the name of one of your favorite Beatles songs from 1967 to by 5pm (Central time) Feb 26.    As always, everyone is welcome to enter, but only one entry per household please.   I will be using screen shots from the live facebook event to show you the prizes.  (so don't click on the arrow).  I will not email you back.   But I will assign you a number and use the random internet number generator to pick the two winners.   If you are a winner, you have THREE DAYS to contact me with your address or you forfeit the prize.  Good luck!

Prize #1:  A Beatles Abbey Road tumbler with straw.  

Prize #2  A set of playing cards with a photograph of John and Paul performing at Busch Stadium on the cards.

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