Monday, January 16, 2017

The man bun '69

I see this strange trend going around these days of guys with long hair putting it back in a bun.   But who was way ahead of that trend??  George Harrison!  


  1. I met a boy called Frank Mills
    On September twelfth right here
    In front of the Waverly
    But unfortunately I lost his address
    He was last seen with his friend, a drummer
    He resembles George Harrison of The Beatles
    But he wears his hair tied in a small bow at the back
    I love him but it embarrasses me
    To walk down the street with him
    He lives in Brooklyn somewhere
    And he wears his white crash helmet
    He has golden chains on his leather jacket
    And on…


  2. Mary, and Mom, and Hell's Angels. 😊

  3. I know those words by heart... Hair! I did see George with that hairdo, and I thought he was just hot and wanted his hair out of the way, but my friend who is a yoga teacher and a major GH fan told me this hairdo has something to do with yoga - but of course I forgot exactly what it is...
