Sunday, July 31, 2016

Early Paparazzi photo

In 1966, people couldn't wait to see Paul McCartney's new haircut and mustache.   As silly as it seems not, it was big news back then!


  1. 16 Magazine featured a cropped version of this photo in one of their early 1967 issues. It was one of the very few photos of Paul to surface at that time. Compared to the past three years, the Nestle's had seemed to become hermits.(MarkZapp)

  2. Pictures from the "black hole" of the end of 1966 are my favourite! I had seen this, but in poorer quality. I'm pretty sure it's Robert Fraser from the Indica Gallery that he's with

    1. Good eye! I think you are right! I like photos from this time period too, but most of them have been seen. I was happy to get this one larger and better that what I previously had.

    2. The rarest pics have to be of John at the end of 66 when he was growing his tache out. I think I`ve only seen the one grainy pic of him leaving an art gallery.

    3. Which pictures are those, if I may ask?

  3. The Nestles??? Wtf? That was supposed to say The Beatles!(MarkZapp)

    1. Silly auto-correct! We knew what you meant Mark.

  4. Photos from this era apparently got so rare that even their own magazine, The Beatles Monthly Book, stopped low and included pics in several issues with so called updated photos but they actually had whiskers drawn on! Even one of the centerfolds. Totally embarrassing. If you have any of the early '67 issues check it out. Lol. (MarkZapp)
