Monday, October 5, 2015

Sgt. Pepper party


  1. Wow! I'd never seen this one before.

  2. Shame they're been photographed with Jimmy Savile.

  3. Oh lordy, that's Jimmy Savile with them isn't it!

  4. Jimmy S or not, that's a great pic! I like Pepper-era pictures where John looks engaged and is smiling! Most of them he looks inscrutable and sometimes....a little "out of it"! (whatever it takes to give us "A Day In The Life", I'm not complaining!)

  5. John & Ringo with a ugly satanist monsters pedophil !!! ( Strange friends)

  6. Sara, are you aware of the history of Jimmy Savile, the man pictured with John & Ringo here? Here in Britain he is reviled as one of, if not THE biggest child sex monsters in history.

  7. love the smiles on Ringo and John

  8. I'm quite surprised that given the amount of people who have alerted you to nature of Jimmy Savile, that you have decided to keep the picture on the blog. Seeing a picture of John & Ringo laughing and engaging with the worst known child sex offender in British history, who was systematically abusing very young children during the time period of this photo, doesn't sit well with this Beatles fan.

    I don't find it a welcome edition to a site that celebrates the Beatles, and I can bet you that Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney as the surviving Beatles wouldn't welcome your edition to this otherwise excellent site. Shame that you decided to keep it despite all of this.

    1. When I posted the photo I didn't pay any attention to who John and Ringo were talking to. I really liked the photo and I had never seen it before. I know that when the photo was taken, the Beatles had no idea the truth about who they were talking to.

      I am sorry that you disapprove of the photo. There are several photos out there with terrible people with the Beatles. Should they just go into the dark abyss as if they weren't taken? I have chosen not to post the photo of John and his killer out of respect for his family.

      I tell you what: if someone sends me an edited version of the photo with just John and Ringo in it, I will replace it with the one I currently have.

    2. What about not posting the picture of Jimmy Savile then, out of respect for the hundreds of innocent children sexually assaulted by Savile? They, as I'm sure you will agree deserve as much respect as the family of John Lennon.

  9. Wasn't Jimmy Savile a major dj back then? The photo is of John and Ringo. The other person is irrelevant. If we start editing all the photos of The Beatles with shady characters, it would detract from the history of the era. I say leave it.

    1. I'm with this Anonymous poster.

    2. The photo is of John, Ringo AND Savile. He's in there, and try telling the hundreds of innocent children sexually assaulted by him that he is irrelevant.

      I for one will not be returning to this site, and as I said in an earlier post, I am 100% sure that if you asked the surviving Beatles for their thoughts that they would rather the picture not be here.

    3. I would say that Jimmy Savile was more than a mere 'shady character' and I see no reason why his emittance would detract from the history of the era. Wasn't Chapman a part of the 'history of the era' but people make the judgement not to give him oxygen on these sites?

      I value abused children as much as I do the life of John Lennon.

    4. I understand where you are coming from, anonymous (which I assume is just ONE anonymous person---not a bunch of them???). I really struggled with what to do. I posed the question on the facebook page for this blog and the overwhelming answers was to keep the photo on the blog. We can't erase the past. I will post here that what this man (I don't desire to post his name) did is not acceptable. However, maybe leaving this photo will serve as a stark reminder that there are monsters hiding among us and we must always be careful and aware for ourselves and especially for our children.

      I am sorry that you will not see this message or will be joining us anymore. I applaud you for taking a stand for something you feel so strongly against. I hope you are successful in all you do.

      Sara s.

    5. Wow, look what's going on here!

      I was molested by a child predator when I was 12, I testified in front of a Grand Jury and sent him to jail. I have no problem looking at a picture of Jimmy Saville, so please don't speak for all victims.

      And if you want to leave the site, go. Because, in the words of George Harrison....who needs you?!

      (people are such hysterical babies. "I'm not coming back to this blog because there's a picture of Jimmy Saville!" FIne! Go, then! You think we're going to miss you? You think taking a picture down of JImmy Saville is going to achieve anything? You should pick and choose your battles better. You're so shrill.)

      Sara, don't struggle at all with this, he's a guy, he's in some photos of the Beatles, us victims of sexual abuse will live, trust me.....I'm giving you permission, ok? On behalf of all of us, trust me, we're not going to have a flashback or anything.....


  10. this pic is a part of history - it is not honoring savile

  11. We should not edit history, Sara.
    Why not email MPL in London and tell them of your dilemma and ask them for guidance,

    BTW, to one of the anonymouses,
    Savile, a despicable creature he was, but is not the" biggest child sex monster in history". What about the hundreds of child killers languishing in our prisons.

  12. Either way you look at it, this photo is AWESOME! One not seen before, whether or not they were hanging out with Saville or not...It's a photo that warrants being seen as it was taken at a moment in time. Let it go people! Do we go back and delete Saville during the rehearsals for their Christmas show? Come on now people, get it together fercrissakes. Sara as someone that appreciates all the hard work you put into this blog,LET the photo and let's move on. Censorship in any form is wrong.They started to air-brush the cigarettes out of The Beatles' fingers and mouths in some photos I've seen! Enough is enough! It's like rewriting history to suit other people! Big Brother is going to rewrite all of our histories if we're not careful! Leave the goddamn photo as it is.It's a great freaking photo!

  13. Well, the fact that the Beatles ran in the same circle as Saville is probably something people here should spent some time reflecting on, instead of pushing out of sight and out of mind.
