Wow! What a great month of Beatles photos and stories! It has been
so much fun for me to bring all of you the stories and photos of the
Beatles 1964 North American tour on a daily basis. It was hard work to
keep up with it, but it was well worth my time and effort. I hope
you all enjoyed it and you learned a thing or two about this tour. I
know that I sure did.
I want to send a special thank you to: Chuck Gunderson for the information he has supplied in his book, Some Fun Tonight as well as helping me with a few photo questions, Mark Naboshek for the information on the Dallas Show, Ivor Davis for his book, the Beatles and me on tour, Dee Ellis for the story she had about the Cleveland Show in her book, Confessions of a Beatlemaniac, Pat Simmons for allowing me to reproduce the story about Cleveland that originally appeared in With a Little Help from my Friends, Ted Rozumalski for allowing me to share the photos from the New Orleans show that his father took and all of you who sent me encouraging messages and emails throughout the month. I truly appreciated the big show of support as we traveled along with the Beatles 50 years later.
I plan on doing the same thing next year with the 1965 North American tour and I am starting to collect photos and stories to share. So---if you saw the Beatles in 1965 (anywhere in the world really) please write something about it to share on the blog!
Also just a reminder that I personally am looking to speak with anyone who saw the Beatles at Busch Stadium in 1966, George Harrison at the St. Louis Arena in 1974, or Paul McCartney at Busch Stadium at 1993.
If you have a story to tell, please email me at
Now the moment you all have been waiting for! The winner of the Beatlemania contest! There were 38 contestants this time around, which I think is pretty good! The record for a contest I have held is 43 people and so this contest was second place. The winner needs to contact me through email with his or her address
And the winner is--------
Number 032!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!! You are the Beatlemaniac winner. :)
Peace and Love,
Thanks for all your hard work, Sara! It was fun to follow. Love this blog!
ReplyDeleteThe raving photo-dating obsessive inside me is already worked about about the chance to properly identify and sequence my 1965 shots as you do this kind of thing next year. Thanks so much, again, for all the great posts this summer!
ReplyDeleteI think you may be interested in this:
DeleteScores of 65' America tour photographs, all dated. Google translator will help you with Russian.
Very cool!!!! Is there another thread for the '66 tour as well?
DeleteYes. Starting from here:
DeleteYours truly made every effort to collect all 65' and 66' tour photographs in one place and the work goes on. There are some photographs from your blog, I hope you don't mind. )
And I have '65 European tour thread as well:
Congratulations to the winner and thanks to Sara for the opportunity and her wonderful blog!
ReplyDeleteGee, I'm kinda sad the tour is over!!!
ReplyDeleteSara......I feel like I was there! You put us there, front and center, every city! And those pictures of the fans......goosebumps!!!! You think that all fan pics are the same....but each show/city actually had their own character, don't you think?!
PS. I was shocked, but on You Tube, there's finally some footage of the Forest Hills show that has surfaced (the audio is from other shows).....the girls look more hysterical than any other footage I've ever's almost concerning!
I'm a Canadian who has seen bands in a bunch of different places around the world, and I have to say no-one throws themselves at a band quite like New York City can. Thanks so much Виталий Михалюк for your links above, know how I will be spending a few days free time soonish!