According to Spizer, the Beatles really wanted to meet Fat Domino. As a matter of fact, he was the main celebrity out of all the people in the United States that they Beatles really wanted to meet. Davis explains: "Paul was really into Fats. He was the one that revered him, and Paul was the one that made it happen." And so, thanks to opening act, Frogman Henry, before the concert in New Orleans, the Beatles met Fats Domino backstage. As Paul McCartney famously recalls in the Beatles Anthology: "He had a very big diamond watch in the shape of a star, which was very impressive." Davis recalls that the Beatles, particularly George wanted to listen to jazz music in New Orleans' nightclubs. But of course, the tight schedule and Beatlemania did not allow for that enjoyment.
Speaking of New Orleans music, Deacon Jones (not the football player that was on the Brady Bunch), the musician was in the audience at this Beatles concert. As a musician, he was interested in the Beatles music.
Both Bruce and Ivor talk about how out of control the fans and the police were. Bruce said that some girls were pushed in wheelchairs, and they didn't need the wheelchairs, just so they could get out on the field and be closer to the Beatles.
I am not sure if this is one of the fans in question, but you can see empty wheelchairs behind her. Photograph taken by Ted Rozumalski provided by Robert Rozumalski." |
Those who didn't have wheelchairs tried to run onto the field. The fans in this stadium were quite far from the Fab 4 and so between 100-200 ran to get closer. Many police officers were on horseback and they injured many of the fans. New Orleans had more injured fans than an other stop on this tour. Ivor Davis said that he felt fear because a lot of the kids were bleeding.
Photograph taken by Ted Rozumalski provided by Robert Rozumalski." |
Beatles collector, Jeff Augsburger had many artifacts from the 1964 North American tour including part of one of the microphones one of the guys used during this concert.
Jeff Augsburger collection Photo by Sara Schmidt |
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