1. interviews
2. paul
3. peppermint
4. coliseum
5. buddy
6. carnegie
7. plaza
8. cynthia
9. george
10. ringo
11. screaming
12. airport
13, beach
14. john
15. maysles
16. beatles
17. miami
18. train
19. concerts
20. sullivan (this one seemed to have been the one most missed)
21. transistor
22. deauville
23. beatlemania
There were 34 contestants and 26 of them got all 23 answers correct! Of the 23 corrects, I assigned everyone a number and the winner number given to me by the random number generator were 8, 9, 10, 16, 17
Here are the Beatles pulling out winning raffle tickets at the British Embassy 50 years ago tonight.
The five lucky winners of the contest are:
Rebecca K.
If you are one of the winners, please email me at Starshyne9@yahoo.com with your mailing address.
Thank you again to everyone who entered this contest and to Vincent Vigil for supplying such an awesome prize! Be on the lookout for another contest very soon to celebrate 5 years of Meet the Beatles...for Real!
If you are one of the winner, please email me your address. Starshyne9@yahoo.com
Congrats to the winner.....and thanks for the photos!!! Never seen these before!!! Man, do they look p--sed off!!!!