Monday, December 2, 2013

Friar Park pre-George

This was the gates of Friar Park in the late 1960's right before George moved in.   So this is what it looked like when George first saw the property and purchased it.  Notice that the "gates" aren't even up to keep people out?   George (and Pattie too for that matter) did a LOT of work on the property to fix it up.    It is so neat to see this old photo of the place.


  1. Who owned FP before George purchased it ?

  2. My auntie lived at Friar Park before George lived there. It was used by Salesian (Catholic) nuns (my auntie having been one of the nuns), although I don't know that the order actually owned it.

    I always remember as a child, my auntie seeing one of my Beatle books, which had a picture of Friar Park, and casually remarking that she used to live there. According to my auntie, after George and Patti moved in, they used to get calls from them asking them to show them how things worked.

    This was about 30 years ago now, and unfortunately, the auntie in question suffers from severe dementia now, but at the time, she said that George and his wife were lovely people, and very kind to the nuns. And she said the Friar Park was an amazin gplace to live, even in the run-down state it was in when she lived there.
