Monday, August 26, 2013

Andy Warhol's snapshot

This snapshot taken by Andy Warhol shows John from  February 21, 1978 (the photo's caption will say 1979, but we know better).  with a guy named Halston.  


  1. Do we know for sure the date was Feb 21st? I know it was for Yoko's birthday party but I have never seen a precise date ever given. Is there any reason why her birthday party wasn't held on her actual birthday (18th)?

    1. For some reason I think that date comes from Badman's it might not be accurate.

    2. Aha!! Very interesting!!!

      John Winn, I once asked him about Badman, and he didn't have alot to recommend about his books (which I, admittedly, use!).

      And now, here it is, YOU are inferring something similar! Am I to ignore Badman's books? Or just take them with a grain o' salt?!!!!

      Tell me, O Wise One!!!!

  2. IIRC, this is dated to 2/21/1978 from an entry in andy's diary

  3. what you see here is a fag getting his five seconds of fame- andy w would of set this up with the faghead'''yeah andy ill go behind lennon and poke my tounge out and he wont know and you take a snap =andy'' oh yeah ok- you think it will be ok - can we sell it-- oh maybe I could screen print it'' oh yeah go go on fab get yer tounge right up there -oh yes I got it oh this is fab oh so creative oh look this is john lennon -and this is faghead behind him with his tounge oh so good

    1. Just note: I do not approve of the word "fag." With a few exceptions, I try not to censor the comments here, because I believe people should have freedom of speech. I am leaving this comment because I think anonymous has a good point about Andy W. setting up the photo and this guy just trying to get attention by sticking his tongue out at John.

      I hope leaving this comment does not offend anyone.
