Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Grapefruit (the book not the band)

Yoko Ono's book, Grapefruit was first published in 1964.   Of course back then, Beatle fans had no reason to be interested in the book.   But in 1970, her book was re-released with a new introduction written by her new husband, John Lennon and suddenly the book was a big seller.    In July 1971, the couple did a mini media blitz to promote the book.   They appeared on television and did several interviews about it.  But the most interesting thing was the two appearances for book signings in London.   John hadn't been to a formal autograph event such as this since the Magical Mystery Tour Fan Club secretary party in 1967.   This was the last time British fans remember seeing John in person because he left for the United States a month later and never returned to England.   So unless the fan traveled to New York, the book signing was the last time he/she ever saw John. 

There were two separate book signing. I have mentioned before on this blog that people seem to only think there was one.   The first was on July 15, 1971 and it took place at Selfridges department store in London.  The second one was a day later, July 16, 1971.  I am unsure of the location, in Carol Bedford's book it says that it was at a "large bookstore on Oxford Street."    Although that seems a bit odd since Selfridge's Department store was also located on Oxford Street.    John wore the same jacket during both signing, but for the first one he is wearing a "Grapefruit" t-shirt underneath and for the second one he is wearing a dark shirt.   For the first signing, Yoko is wearing a flowery outfit (the type of outfit she wore a lot in 1971) and for the second one she has one a white jacket.  

A lot of fans attended these and wanted a chance to get John and Yoko's autograph.   This was the days before arm bands and the security and organization that you see today at this type of thing.   Just think of all the hoops Paul fans jump through to get an autograph during one of his signings.   I know for a fact that several fans went through the line more than once to see John and Yoko.     Since there were so many fans there, it isn't a surprise that autographed Grapefruit books come up on auctions frequently.    But lately I have seen many fakes.   How do I know they are fakes?   I am not an expert at all, and I don't even own a John autograph myself.   But I do know that they signed these quickly, and the signatures looked rushed.   There is never an inscription.   Yoko signed on top at a slant and John signed towards the bottom of the front empty page that has no other marks on it.   

Here are some photos from the events. 
John and Yoko on July 15 walking into the store.

Notice all of the fans crowded around to meet them?   No wrist bands back then...just a mob!

Notice that they were signing the books at the same time. 
This is a great example of one of the autographs from that day.   It looks very rushed, doesn't it?

From July 16.  Scanned from Carol Bedford's book

Scanned from Carol Bedford's book


  1. For some reason, I've always thought that one of the signing events was at Indica Gallery. Does anyone know if that's true?

  2. No, the second was not at Indica Gallery or bookshop - both of which had long since closed by 1971. From memory, I believe the second event was either at Foyle's on Charing Cross Road or Hatchard's on Piccadilly Circus.

  3. The second signing was at Claude Gill bookshop at the other end of Oxford Street near Tottenham Court Road. I was at the first and still have my copy.
