Monday, October 22, 2012

Trafalgar Square June 1986

I have seen these George photos in the past and assumed they were taken at a Formula one race.   But I was totally wrong!   Here is a story and photos by Janet Macoska about a George sighting in London in June 1986.   It appeared in issue #55 of With a Little Help from my Friends.

Trafalgar Sqaure June 1986
A small paragraph appeared in the publication “City Limits” announcing that Paul, Linda and Jane Asher (!) would all appear at the same anti-nuclear rally in London.  After a few phone calls, I was able to track down the press representative for the Nuclear Freeze Campaign, and she said that she would send me a press invite, needed to gain admittance to this event (however, she wouldn’t confirm or deny any of the names mentioned of the celebrities who would appear).  Needless to say, after receiving an invitation with Paul and Linda and Jane’s names on it, I felt sure they would be in attendance.

On the day of the event, my friend Nancy Allen (who was given a tape recorded to thrust into famous Beatle faces) and myself arrived at Trafalgar Square much too early  We had a nice cuppa tea to waste time and then went back to hang out and see what would happen.  Mind you, London was having one of their rare heat waves (about 86 or 87 degrees that day) so the heat was making everyone a little uncomfortable as well.  Every time a “celebrity” (mostly British TV stars, music stars and comedians) walked into the enclosure, they were surrounded by very aggressive British journalists and camera men.  They take this stuff very seriously, and you’ve got to fight tooth and nail to get a decent point of view for your pictures.  Anyway, it was all getting very annoying and tempers were definitely starting to flare, and it had just been announced that Paul and Linda wouldn’t’ be coming after all.  AHHHH!!  Also we had no sightings of Jane either.  So, although the official reason why Paul and Linda didn’t attend was the illness of Linda’s father in New York and the fact they had to visit him there, there are two major questions here.  How come Paul was back the very next day to appear at the Prince’s Trust concert, apparently allowing for some rehearsal time because all bands had rehearsed and had portraits taken.  If Paul did go to New York it was a very, very short trip.  Also it was interesting that neither Paul nor Jane showed after the public announcement was made that they would be in the same spot at the same time.  I think that when they lent their names to the event, neither were aware that the other was involved, and they avoided an unpleasant scene by staying away from the event altogether. 

Luckily for us, not all was lost.  As I was standing around with heavy camera equipment hanging off me, cursing this silly idea, Nancy Allen tugged me on the sleeve and said, “Look, it’s George!”  “George who?” I replied.  What a silly question.  As I spun around, sure enough, dressed in pink with sunglasses from the sixties, was our George, tanned and healthy and happy (he was smiling!)  He went straight to the board hanging on the double-decker bus that all the celebrities were supposed to sign, and there was  a mad rush by the press for a prime location.  You’d think the British press would be blasé about Beatles after all these years, but they went bonkers when they saw George.  I was not about to take a back seat on this one, and with great physical strength and pushiness, ended up twelve inches from George’s face.  George stayed at the board for about two minutes.  After signing his name “George Harrison M.B.E.” several of the TV and radio types tried to engage him in interviews.  He answered questions quickly and with short replies.  He was looking for a way out. One of the reps from the Nuclear Freeze grabbed him and asked him to look into their video camera and make a short statement why he was here and supporting Nuclear Freeze.  While he was doing that, I started shooting some pictures in color and then like the wind, he was off again.  No escorts, no security guards, he just left the enclosure and walked away from Trafalgar Square at a brisk pace and no one followed him!

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