Monday, September 24, 2012

Tittenhurst Park

From the Pete Nash collection
So this photo comes from Issue #38 (Oct. 2010) of the British Beatles Fan club Magazine (one of my favorites).  It is my favorite feature from this magazine:  The Crap Photo of the Month.   I keep coming back and looking at it.   Here is the caption:

This photograph was taken on 11th September 1969 when Srila Prabhupada, founder of the Hare Krishna movement, arrived as a house guest at Tittenhurst Park and met with John, Yoko and George Harrison.  What might have been a fairly good photograph turned out crap due to  the inept photographer failing to fix the image properly when developing from the negative.  Hare Krishna!

1 comment:

  1. Good enough for me! The next-to-last "Beatles"-photos if you like (Two Beatles present (even though I cannot spot George here), prior to John`s announcement of leaving the Beatles. The last being the photos from the "divorce"-meeting, if those are in fact from that date). This event also was recorded. The date is given as September 11 in Winn IIRC but as September 15 on this source:
    When I first saw the photo I was wondering if it is some esoteric attempt to make astral energy visible or akin. But no, just a mishap! ;-)
