Sunday, May 13, 2012

Guitar playing George

So who here can tell me about this photo?   Where was it taken?  What year was it?  And how is it possible for George and Dhani to look so much alike?  


  1. The jacket as well as the hair remind me of photos of George in India 1966. As he grew a mustache there this might be some time between returning from the last tour and going to India. However he shaved off the mustache before the beginning of the Pepper sessions (only to grow it back again during sessions), so it might stem from between his return from India and the begin of the Pepper sessions.
    All just guesses.

  2. Yeah that vest-type jacket thing he is wearing does look like what he wore to India on his trip with Pattie after the U.S. tour in 1966. But I thought he had the mustache that whole time. Maybe this could have been taken in India when the group went there after Manilla? Not sure but just a thought.

  3. He looks exactly like Dhani

  4. I thought after India too. The tashe was missing for their return to the studio.
