Thursday, March 15, 2012

Peeking over the gates of Cavendish

My wonderful partner at work, Michele is a first generation Beatles fan.  She sometimes even looks at this blog.  She was fortunate enough to see the Beatles at Busch Stadium in 1966 and has been nice enough to let me look at her newspaper clippings from the 1960's and scan them.   So the other day I walk into work and she says that she has a present for me, a Beatles magazine!   It was a magazine called "The Beatles 50th Anniversary Tribute."   It actually is a nice magazine.  It goes through each Beatles album and tells the stories behind all of the songs.   Not any new information, but nice to have all in one place.   It reminds me of the book "A Hard Day's Wright" only more up-to date with interviews.    There are also a lot of photos in the magazine.

I spotted this one of two fans peering out over the front gates of Paul's London home on Cavendish Avenue and knew I had to scan it for the blog!  Anyone able to recognize the girls?   I love the fact that they managed to get themselves up on that little ledge thing and look over.   Is that what John used when he climbed the fence?  


  1. There's a bit in Hunter Davies biography that details when John & Paul are writing 'With A Little Help From My Friends' and he mention some girls peering over the wall and J & P taking notice and singing a little song about it. I'll pretend it was these two girls and they boys are upstairs writing away.

  2. i'm sending this photo to all my friends who used to "hang around" paul's at the time and see if they recognize themselves. we often could hear music coming from the 3rd floor, where paul had his studio. during the recording of sgt. pepper, john would often come earlier and be at paul's house before they went to emi studios.

  3. i now know who they are, but i'd rather keep it to myself. i haven't been in touch with them since the 60's and there's no way i could ask for their permission. i'm sure you'll understand.

  4. No problems, Lizzie. I was just curious if anyone knew who these girls were or if one of them ever posts here. It is still neat that you were able to tell who they are.

  5. They were standing on Paul's letterbox on his gate to see Paul and Linda after their wedding. I know who they are too. Neither of them post here as far as I know.

  6. hi sara! i couldn't tell who they are - i asked around and one of my friends told me.
