Thursday, February 9, 2012

Over Cavendish

A colored version of this photo has been posted here in the past. However, it was small and blurry. The Gilly has located a black and white version of it and the information that it was taken in "early 1969." While I know we have discussed this photo in the past, and talked about John being angry at Paul. It is my opinion that John was just visiting Paul and needed a way in. Any of you there during this time have any insights? Would John leap over the Cavendish gates to get inside?


  1. i believe i've said this here before, but: as far as i know, paul did not answer the bell when john rang because he thought it was the fans ringing. so he had to climb over the gate to ring on paul's front door. i wasn't there that day, but that's what i heard. maybe some of the anon apple scruffs could help me on this one.

  2. Lizzie is right here. John and Yoko pulled up and because we were all asking Paul to come out he was upset because of the Bell being rung so much. When John and Yoko Came Paul wouldn't answer so John jump the fence, I have the photos from that day Sara

  3. Thanks Lizzie and Anon! Seeing John jumping the gate must have been a sight to see! Thanks again for giving the truth about the photo.

  4. How did Yoko then get in I do wonder? Great little pic.

  5. John Opened the fence for her. 5 of us stood there, Apple Scurffs Margo and Jill were there also. Margo had a pea coat on...
