Monday, December 26, 2011

Beatlefan magazine issue #193

Well friends, this blog has made it to the big time! Well big time for something Beatles related in my humble opinion. Kit O'Toole has chosen to feature this very blog in her "Hard Day's net" section in Beatlefan magazine issue #193. The cover has John Lennon on it and inside it has my name! Whoo hoo! Let me tell you, it is the little things in life that excite me. She must have looked at my list of favorite Beatle blogs, because the column also features our sister wife, Miss Tammy's Beatles Photo Blog (which let's face it is by far the best one on the Internets), Sean's Kenwood blog, the McCartney photo blog, and George is love.

She even gives an honorable mention out to my silly Beatles solo photo forum (which I need to work on. needs updating. )

If you are a Beatlefan magazine reader who has found this blog through Kit's article. Welcome!! I hope you enjoy what you see here. If you have a story and/or a photo to include please email me, Sara, at Feel free to comment. Although lately I have been trying to keep up with deleting some jerk's comments, usually this is a friendly place.

If you do not subscribe to Beatlefan, I recommend it! I have been a subscriber since 1994. I thought that once I got my own computer and had the latest Beatle news at my fingertips, I wouldn't need a Beatles fanzine, but boy was a wrong! I enjoy the interviews and articles so much. I even keep them all in binders that are labeled with who is interviewed. I am such a Beatles nerd!


  1. I honestly thought that Beatlefan Magazine was done ages ago! They stopped selling the mags at both Sam the Record Man and Tower Records long ago (both sadly are gone now). I remember other Beatle-fanzines that they used to sell, remember Beatlology? Definitely gonna subscribe.

  2. Yeah ariel, Beatlefan is still around, but only by subscription. I used to subscribe to Beatleology and Good Day Sunshine and several others that have left us, but good old Beatlefan is still here!

  3. I found your site thru Beatlefan-my favorite magazine! Looking forward to perusing the archives. So far I've really enjoyed the rare photos and captions. Keep up the good work.
