If you were lucky enough to get a response from a fan letter you wrote to a Beatle in 1963, it might look and sound a little like this one that Ringo wrote to a fan named "Val.' It is just my guess, but I would think that Val wrote to Ringo and asked him some questions for a fan club in her area? Or maybe she really wanted to know what Ringo's favorite color is. In case you have trouble making it out here is what it says"
To Val
Thanks for the letter. Sorry it's on a photo, but I have no paper. Now to answer the questions. No 1 groups Rolling Stones. Singer Chuck Jackson, Brook Benton, Diana Washington. No car, sold it three weeks ago. Color Black. Food Stake and chips. O.K.
Ringo Starr xxx
This is awesome!! I think I read Maureen would answer some of his fan mail in the early days too