Today's fan story comes from Issue #28 of "the Write Thing" (January 1980). It was written by Peter Leopold of Vienna about a short visit Ringo made there in 1979. Can anyone identify the girl that is with Ringo in the photo? The caption just says "Ringo and new Girlfriend." At first I assumed it was Barbara Bach, because of the glasses, but then I said to myself..."wait a minute. Ringo didn't meet her until they were together in 1980 on the set of Caveman. That doesn't look like Nancy....who is this mystery girl?"
Many Beatle fellows here in Vienna were very surprised to read about rumours that Ringo Starr should be in town. I couldn't believe it either, until I found out in what hotel he was staying in. I went to this hotel at once, just to find out that he'd already left for the airport again. With a little help form a fast taxi-cab I finally go to the airport myself.
Well, what was Ringo doing in Vienna in the first place? Let's start at the beginning: At this time (Ringo was here from Oct 16-19, 1979) the Viennese film-festival, "Viennale" was organized. Director Robert Altman was here to attend the performance of his two films "A Perfect Couple" and "Quintett." Altman's next film will be a version of the famous cartoon, Popeye the Sailor. And who's going to write the music for this film? No, not Ringo...but...Harry Nilsson. He was in Vienna too to discuss this matter with Altman. Ringo Starr was here just to visit with his old pal, Harry.
Ringo's main interest in Vienna was to check as many bars and night clubs as possible! He didn't give any interviews to the radio station or to any newspapers. From Vienna he flew to Paris, where again he met up with Harry Nilsson.
After John (1969 "Peace tour) and Paul (1976 with Wings) Ringo was the third Beatle to come to Vienna.
Is that the period he was involved with Stephanie LaMotta when on a "break" from Nancy.