Monday, September 19, 2011

John at Montagu Square

You all know that I cannot stop singing the praises of the amazing Kenwood Blog and I have no idea how Sean always finds such amazing and rare things to post. But he has done it again with this amazing night time photo of John Lennon outside of Montagu Square (where he and Yoko were living at the time) from 1968. I stood outside of that flat in 2010 and couldn't believe how much it looked just like it did in the photographs. Now it has the famous "blue sign" outside of it because John once lived there (although Ringo and Maureen also lived there for a time). So I am including a photo from my trip to Montagu Square as well.

1 comment:

  1. If you would like to know the story about the Lennon photo I took late on a Friday night, it's in my book. "There Ain't No Rules In Rock n Roll" all the best, Kenny.
