
Here is a news article that I got a giggle out of. It was re-produced in the Jan/Feb 1979 issue of "The Write Thing" but I am not sure when it first appeared (although obviously around Christmas of 1978). But I added some photos I have of John and Yoko shopping in 1969 just because I think a post without photos is like a cheeseburger without cheese. Pointless.
We thought the tall man carrying the give Gucci shopping bags looked familiar, and by Jove, we were right. Forever Beatles rhythm guitarist John Lennon got an early start on Christmas shopping and blew a bundle at the exclusive Fifth Avenue Store exactly a week ago today. We spotted Long John waking solo down Fifth Avenue and he was a sight for sore eyes.
Lennon, whose hair is now finally growing long again, looked extremely well and appeared most mellow. Wearing jeans, a suede coat and sporting dark shades, the 38-year old rock n roll legend was most affable with passersby and even stopped to wave to some star-struck teenagers across the street. It was wild! Everyone (or almost) recognized him, yet no one bugged him for autographs or with the usual "Oh God, There's John Lennon!"
By 58th and Fifth, all those Gucci shopping bags became too cumbersome so John whistled for a cab and sped off into the late afternoon sunset. Somebody john Lennon loves very much is going to have a very sweet Christmas. Get back soon, John, we all love and miss you.
Love this site..great pics you have managed to find.