There are a few fans that you see in the video file footage that stand out in your mind. The girl I am going to feature in this post is no doubt one of the most well-remembered fans the press spoke to. In trying to find out information about her online, I have discovered that a lot of people remember watching this clip (most likely from the Complete Beatles VHS from the mid 1980's) and relating to this fan on some level. The question of who she is keep being asked. And I also discovered that her painting of Paul McCartney has inspired a facebook page about Beatles artwork that has been named after her work of art.
I am talking about the girl that we lovingly know only as "the Sprout of a new generation" girl. The interview with her was shot (according to the all knowing John Winn) buy AP/UPI newsreel on August 22, 1966 in New York city outside of the Warwick hotel. Most likely the Beatles were inside of the hotel giving the two press conferences for the day while a group of fans stood outside, hoping to see one of the Beatles. And there she was...with a wide headband in her hair and polka-dot dress, holding an oil painting of a cartoon Paul McCartney. Something about this girl, who appears to be 16 or 17 years old, and her artwork caught the eye of someone at UPI and they interviewed the girl with the New York accent for their cameras. The interview went like this:
Girl: And the name of it is "A Sprout of a New Generation." It show Paul McCartney coming up from the earth, like growing like a sprout. A start. A new dawn. Ya see, the Beatles are the original. They started the look...everything! And they are the greatest group out. And here if you notice he's like growing. And I like to oil paint and I'd love to present the painting to Paul. And I'd love him to have it. And I'd love to meet him because I...
Reporter: Do you tink you have any chance of meeting him?
Girl: Well...well I don't really know. It's really all luck because a lot of people meet them because they know somebody. But I would like to give Paul this and show him I'm a true fan and that you know, that I won't tear him apart. Speak to him like a decent human being. And that he's really the greatest in show business.
Reporter: It sounds like your have sort of a crush on Paul McCartney.
Girl: Yes, that's true! I love all the Beatles but Paul's my favorite!
So the question remains...who is this lovely Paul fan? Did she ever get to meet Sir McCartney? Did he see her painting? Where is she today? Has she entered oil paintings into the art contest at the Beatlefest in New Jersey? Was she at the McCartney concert 2 nights ago in New York?
People who read this blog have found a lot of interesting Beatles fans out there, so I am hoping that someone out there will know who this adorable girl is and what happened to her. So readers I am counting on you!
Awwwn! I remeber that girl from the documentary The Beatles Explosion! I found her interview so cute!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the 'Spwout' of a new generation girl, totally wish someone could find her.
ReplyDeleteyeah, she is so cool. I hope the years have been kind to her.
ReplyDeleteMy name is bonnie Von lobenstein am I am that girl.my Emale address is bvonlobenstein@aim.com My phone # is 1-718-265-1096. Lord bless you
ReplyDeleteI am the artist of the painting a sprout of a new generation.I gave the painting to the doorman at the Warlwick hotel,I do not know if Paul MCcARTNEY ever received it or not. sincerely Bonnie Von lobenstein Please give me a call as soon as possible you have my number from the above message.Lord bless
ReplyDeleteBonnie! You have been someone who is much loved throughout Beatles history! While we may never know if your wonderful painting made it to Paul himself, your painting and interview has touch many fans over the years. I am soooooo happy that you found this post! I am actually going to be out of town for the next few days. I am going to a Beatles convention in Chicago, but I will contact you when I return.
ReplyDeleteSara I am having trouble in making a connection. bonnie Vonlobenstein
ReplyDeleteDear Sara I have to answer you back anonymous because my password is not working.I had no idea that I made history and had made such a impact with my painting a sprout of a new generation,I think that is great,praise "praise the Lord"I am looking forward to be in contact with you when you come back from the Beatle convention. sincerely Bonnie Von Lobenstein
ReplyDeleteWow, the actual girl is on THIS blog! Welcome Bonnie! Your painting always made me think of both "The Fool on the Hill" sequence in MMT and Paul`s character in in the animated film "Yellow Submarine". Both not yet made at the time of this painting, rather amazing!
ReplyDeletedear Ken Thank you for your warm welcome.Who knows,maybe they got the idea from me on how they portrayed Paul in yellow submarine. sincerely Bonnie Von Lobenstein
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I'm the one who started the Facebook page in tribute to your fab painting. I am so happy to find you here, your segment is legendary and we've always wondered who you are and where the painting ended up. Have you done any more art since then? - Rachel L.
ReplyDeletea lovely story and a lovely girl - great to have you with us, bonnie! regards from rio de janeiro.
ReplyDeleteyes I have other paintings for sale Bonnie Von lobenstein bvonlobenstein2@verizon.net
ReplyDeleteDear friends I am planning to paint another copy of a sprout of another generation and put it up for sale.I need the money because I am poverty stricken.and I live on a very small income.sincerely Bonnie Von Lobenstein my email address is Bvonlobenstein2@verizon.net
ReplyDeletethank you Rachel for making the facebook web page for me,I am greatful. thanks Bonnie Von Lobenstein
ReplyDeletemy new email address is bvonlobenstein2@verizon.net cell number is 347 733 8624 sincerely bonnie von lobenstein
ReplyDeletethis is my new telephone 1-347-595-0681 email address---bvonlobenstein2@verizon.net thanks bonnie von lobenstein
ReplyDeletedear David Some times in the furure I plan to have a art show. I will give you all the infomation on this web site on were it will be. thanks Bvonlobenstein
ReplyDeleteShe is on Glee people!
ReplyDeleteI own a copy of "The Compleat Beatles" on VHS and I have often wondered what ever became of that eager McCartney fan with the heavy New York accent showing her oil painting. Bonnie, you are as much an icon of Beatlemania as the couple in the pink blanket are of Woodstock.
ReplyDeleteEven if Paul never got the painting I'm sure he's seen your interview at one time or another. Good for you. You shall live forever.
Lord bless you William, yes I will live for ever in Christ Jesus. Bonnie Von lobenstein
ReplyDeleteI have comlpleted my copy of a sprout of a new generation painting. All I need is to find an ageancy to print them so I coud sell copies of them. Bonnie Von Lobenstein
ReplyDeleteFirst noticed years ago and was just recently reminded, and am overjoyed to get to ask you personally. Am I right in thinking that I saw you briefly interviewed on the Star Trek documentary, "Trekkies"? Your portion of the Compleat Beatles, as well as your painting, left a huge impression on me and I was blown away the first time I saw Trekkies, thinking that after all those years you would reappear in the public eye, again talking about fandom...Either way best wishes
Deletethe painting is up for sale. call me at 34seven 5 nine 5 06eight one I am having trouble with my key bourd. bonnie von lobenstein
Deleteis very important to know who was the girl n but the painting ??? where iti is?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever actually been able to prove that this woman really is who she says she is? I have my doubts, but I would love for it to be true, like most of you....
ReplyDeleteSuzy--I have heard from other fans from New York in the 1960's that said that they remember the girl from the news clip was named Bonnie.
DeleteAs soon as someone says they are poverty-stricken and need money for their next venture, I become suspicious. Proceed with caution - there are many people named Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see Her in that Documentary I Nearly Well up! I Hope she met Paul she,s Obviously a Creative Person and So Cute Hope you Have Found the Real Bonnie I Wish her all the Best She was Amazing!
ReplyDeletesurely... she weren't the right person.