This photo of the Beatles holding a fan-made heart is pretty well-known and common. It was on one of the Beatles trading cards from the 1960's and so it is a photograph that has been out for the public to see for a very long time. However, did you ever wonder who made such an item for the guys? Well the answer comes to us via ebay, where there is currently an auction for the autograph the boys signed for the girls who made this heart. K. Rockliff (who we assume is Kathleen, whose name is seen stitched on the heart) says that all four of the Beatles signed an autograph for her in Liverpool on March 24, 1963 after her and two of her friends gave the boys a heart shaped present. You can see on the autograph that Paul autographed with a plug for their newest single by saying "thank you girl(s)" and George mentions the gift by saying "thanks a lot, a nice bit of knitting." Kathleen was very fortunate to have met the Beatles and gave them her gift and receive such a great autograph in return. I bet this will go for a lot on ebay!
Thank You Girl was recorded but not released by that time. It was released on 11 April and on 26 May the Beatles played the Empire in Liverpool again - "From Me To You / Thank You Girl" was the current single / #1-hit then. Could it be that she got the date wrong?