Thursday, March 3, 2011

I need a break

This whole copyright issue thing and what to post and what not to past has really gotten me stressed out. My blood pressure is at an very unhealthy level and I really feel that I need a break from the blog for a period of time.

I am not quitting at all. This blog makes me happy most of the time. But right now I just can't handle the stress. I still have a file of great photos and stories I want to share.

And there wasn't one single thing that has caused me the need to take a break, but a series of issues that have came up over the past month. I don't want to get in trouble with the law for being a Beatles fan and posting photos as much as I don't want to make enemies with other fans.

More than anything I just need a break right now. Work is very stressful as well as my health issues I am dealing with. I hope to take a break and come back refreshed with more to share.

Love always,
Sara S.


  1. Enjoy your break, Sara, and take good care of your health. I will be quite busy too, finishing my book and maybe moving soon. Let me know when you come back.

  2. Aw, I'm really sorry to hear it. I love your blog. But your health comes first for sure!

  3. Ok...we always wait for you. And I found for you a rare pic


  4. Okay girlfriend, if you insist :-) but i'll hound you till you get back :-) look after yourself, we all need a breather every now and then, if it wasn't for the fact i'm a depraved old queen who gets off on the fact i push peoples buttons i'm sure i would have stopped for a while to, if only they knew if they wanted to get rid of me all they'd have to do is be nice :-) it's always icky when something that gives us joy, and we who love to share the joy, have that fun spoilt, so take a break, look after yourself, recharge your Beatle batteries, know that you're very much valued in the 'Beatle world', and please remember Catherine and i have you in our thoughts :-) xoxo

  5. Take care! Really enjoy your blog. Hope the copyright issues work itself out!!

  6. Well Sara, I'm sad to read this. Hope you will return soon as I enjoy your photo's and blog very much.

  7. I don't Understand this??

    Who want Copyrights on the Pictures??

  8. Thank you for the kind words everyone. It is a very stressful time of year at my job right now. My blood pressure right now is so high that I do not understand how I am not having a stroke. So I am trying to let go of some stress.

    Someone was upset that I posted some of his photos that I found online. He sent a DCMA complaint again copyright to blogger. He then emailed me and we worked out an agreement, but his complaint was still out there. Blogger is investigating things and all of the legal talk scares me. And while I am sure it can get worked out, since I have emails with him saying I can post his photos, it still is a lot for me to take in, especially with other issues I am dealing with in life.

    I won't be gone long...maybe a month? And I am still collecting photos and stories.

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your blood pressure. I take medication for mine, because I have a heart condition from birth and I am very heavy, so it is totally under control. Please be very careful, my friend: health comes before anything else. I can't believe someone would send a complaint before trying to work it out with you or asking you to take his photos from the blog, that is really awful. As I said in another post, I would NEVER ask you or anyone else to take a photo of mine down. Once it has been scanned and placed online, it will be all over the place anyway, and there's nothing I can do about it, so I try not to get too upset. Real life gives me enough reasons to get upset, I definitely don't need another one. Wish I lived closer and could help you in any way! xx

  10. Greed is a very bad thing.

    Hope you will get rested and feeling better soon. Losing your blog would be a huge misfortune to the world's Beatle community.

    But, you do what is best for you and your health.

    Take care.

  11. Love the blog! Hope you come back feeling refreshed.

  12. it's all good, Sara. We/I really enjoy and appreciate this blog. The whole issue of ownership of images kind of goes against the 'imagine no possessions' idea, doesn't it? It's hard to know who wants their 'piece' and who doesn't care.
    For someone like Lizzie, who was there, took the photos and wants to do something with them, I totally see that and encourage it. There are, of course, many pictures out there and the love of sharing them is part of what keeps the whole Beatle community alive almost 50 years after it occurred. I'm glad you are a part of that.

  13. Sara, I'm very sorry to hear you have health concerns right now and that this copyright issue has caused you so much stress. Ironically I enjoy coming here so much because it helps me forget about my own troubles! Stay well and don't let one unfortunate incident obscure the fact that you do a great thing here on your corner of the web. I hope you find some peace over the next few weeks. Take care. :)

  14. I love this blog! Feel better! ~paul McCartney forever!~

  15. Obviously if the problem is too big,as it trys to be on DbD its actually more annoying because you/Sara is doing a grand job.She/you dont want to be put off but if you have no choice due to legality etc then its wrong of us to say dont give in.Were just giving you more external preasure,regardless of how well intended it maybe.
    Take care..have fun..and keep on the Ramipril (yes me too)


  16. Hey Sara,

    I hope you're gonna feel better soon !
    It's sad that it has come to this (the copyright thing) because I know you only wanted to share some nice Beatle photos with other fans !! I experienced some problems too, on a lower level, like mean comments and stuff.
    Oh well.

    I think you do an awesome job & I love your blog ! Definitely one of my favorites.

    Take care !!


  17. Take care Sara, love your blog. Once pictures are out there on the net copywrite becomes a mute point. These days the first time you post, or anyone posts to someone else the cat is out of the bag. People should just lighten up; we're all fans and your blog makes us all feel closer to the Beatles and each other.

  18. I'm so sorry that this happened. I love this blog and the Beatles and this blog really shows that the Beatles were/are real people, not just distant celebrities. Feel better!

  19. Sara darling, you're work here is meaningful to many. I for one rely on you blog to experience the the personal gift the bealtes gave to those few fortunite enought to have met them. What they shared, what you share is the same. If only your tourmentor could understand this he too might want to give as freely as the Beatles did. Take some time and meditate. We could all benifit from more of this. Peace.
    Really enjoy your blog.

  20. Sorry to hear it's come to this... take care of yourself and maybe someday you can continue giving us our daily Beatle's fix.
