Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tell me what you see

Here is a wonderful Paul McCartney photo from when the Beatles toured Germany in 1966. This isn't really a "fan photo" but was one that made the rounds through the pen pal trading circles of the 1960's-1980's. I think it is a neat photograph!


  1. It's one of many where Paul is using his bad finger. The only one where he is using both.

  2. Cool point Anon. I would not have caught that. I wish I had this pulled back a little so you could see it good.

    One thing though, is this photo backwards? His right eyebrow is usually the higher one. But the lips look right, so I'm not sure.

    (I swear I'm a straight guy:)

  3. I went ahead and got the mirror out. I'd say this is backwards.

    Funny, this is what Paul looks like when he looks at himself in the mirror.

  4. Looks Like "My Brave Face" 45 rpm sleeve!! Lol
