Sunday, November 14, 2010

Teen photographers

"Living is easy with eyes closed...." Haha! These 3 are from the Memphis 1966 press conference.

Seattle 1966 press conference. I like how John looks here.

Teen Screen magazine was one of the popular teen magazines from the 1960's. What I particularly like about the magazine is that there is a section called "Color Scrapbook: Snaps by readers of TS." So teenagers who get to meet their favorite celebs and snapped colored photographs sent in their photos in hopes of getting them published in Teen Screen magazine. I have the March 1967 issue and it has some Beatles photos that were taken by the fans during the 1966 North American Tour.
I have posted some of these photos on this blog before, but what I posted were bad resolution photographs of the magazine. I now have the actual magazine.

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