Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little Girl Tapes (part 2)

I especially love this because George is holding the microphone for what would become the "Little Girl Tapes" bootleg.

I really hope that no one out there has been checking this blog for part 2 of this series to appear on this blog, because part 1 was put on there on June 12, 2009. (Here it is)

And for well over a year, I have been searching for my transcript of the second part of the article. I couldn't find it on any of my discs and was trying to re-locate the original magazine, when I remembered that I once had a Beatles blog on myspace and that I had posted it on there once. And while I no longer remember my log in information for myspace, I was able to find the article and copy it! Whoo hoo!

Since I first went crazy of the "Little Girl Tapes." I have spoken with Leslie Samuels in an Internet chat. Over Beatlefest weekend this year I had to come home on Sunday. The Fest was still going on, so I got on the webcast of it and Leslie was in that chat room! She gave me her phone number so that we could talk, but disorganised Sara lost it. She wasn't familiar with this blog, but was going to check it out. So is the 2nd part of the article about when Leslie and Donna meet George Harrison.

At home with George

By Leslie Samuels

Last issue you read how my friend, Donna and I got to visit Paul's house. Well, when we left St. John's Wood, we made our way to Waterloo Station, London to catch a train to Esher, Surry, where George lives.

Getting to Esher was one thing, but finding George's house, quite another. So we asked a girl where he lived. She told us to take a bus to Four Mile. We did. And immediately got lost. We walked around and around looking for some likely person who would know where George Harrison could be found.

At last we saw two girls on horseback. We asked them—and they told us we were two miles away. We took another bus and finally found the road that leads to "Kinfauns." Even then it wasn't easy. We went round a golf course and followed a road until it forked. We chose the right hand fork and followed it around to the end…we were wrong…back to the left hand fork.

You won't be surprised to learn that it took us two hours to find George's house. But it was worth it. Because that kaleidoscope of colors met our eyes as we walked through the gate. And to think it used to be just a plain white bungalow!

What's more, when we marched up, we saw artwork being done on six cars which stood in the driveway. Before we got to George's door, his housekeeper, Margaret came out to meet us. I introduced myself and was told to wait a moment. While Donna and I watched the car painting, who should join us but George!

"Hello." He really startled me. He was wearing a bathing suit and had red paint on his hands.

I run a Beatles fan club in the states, and many of my members gave me stuff to give George. As I started to hand it over, George said in awe, "What's all this?" I explained that my friends wanted me to deliver stuff to him personally. He said to tell them all that he loves them but could they hold off a bit on the paper. He tries to read all of his fan mail, but it builds up so much.

Then George turned to me and said, "thank you Leslie for all your letters and badges and everything." I was amazed that he actually did know me. (Well I have been writing faithfully to him for about three years and have sent him things that I have seen him wear. But to that that he associated my letters and me together at that time!)

I had some more badges (buttons) for him—a Love button, and additional Yellow Submarine—peace buttons. He promptly started pinning them on his bathing suit.

By this time it was getting late, and George said he was getting chilly. Would we mind going around to kitchen to get something to drink while he put some clothes on. Of course we didn't mind!

As we walked around the house, we bumped into Patti, who was wearing an Oriental blouse and purple hip huggers. She asked us where we were from and how we liked England. Then she took us into the kitchen for some orange juice.

Some Indian music started up in the other room and George re-appeared in some faded jeans and a knitted top. It was at that point that Donna and I realized that we were hungry. George came out with a classic line, "Rockinghorse people eat marshmallow pie…want a marshmallow?"

We asked George if he'd mind if he took some pictures of him and the house. He said no, in return he asked us why we were at Oxford. (I was able to come over with a study group and was headquartered at Oxford). I explained the situation and he laughed. I told him how much I loved England and I how I planned to come back to stay permanently as soon as I legally could. He began to sing a bit of "She is leaving home."

Now it was really late, so we decided to leave George in peace. We bid him a fond farewell and said we hoped to see him again before we left for the States.


  1. George in a bathing suit? Oh Dear Lord, to be just a smudge of that red paint on his hands!!!

  2. I looooove this story! And yes, I have seen George in a bathing suit too my dear friend georgesgirl...

  3. so, we need to have a serious talk soon!!

  4. The last two photographs were taken at the northern wall of Kinfauns. The door leads to the kitchen, a room much photographed by John Haynes in april 1969. I wonder if the Leslie and Donna ever took more pictures of this meeting. Anyway thanks for the background of the "Little girls tape"
